What type of PCOS do I have ?
It’s one of the most common conditions that my patients come to me with. In fact, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome…
Trying to get pregnant over 35
Have you been worrying about that ‘end-of-fertility’ cliff that seems to get closer and closer as you approach the…
How Men’s Health is Connected to Fertility!
How is the health of the man in your life affecting your fertility? What if his health and sperm count…
The health benefits of Bone Broth and Fertility
I am a HUGE fan of bone broth!! I drink a cup every morning and recommend my fertility patients…
How to Avoid Miscarriage
Have you recently suffered from one or multiple miscarriages? You are not alone, the rate of miscarriages is high….
Motherhood in your 40s
Did you ever Google “pregnancy after 35” or “getting pregnant at 40” for helpful advice and inspiration on your…
How to Improve PCOS with Acupressure
What if you could bring an ancient healing practice used by holistic specialists all over the world, into the…