Hi, I’m Dr. Marc Sklar, the fertility expert, and welcome back to Fertility TV. In this episode we’re going to be talking about IUDs and birth control pills, so stayed tuned for more.
I got this question today, this morning. I opened up my email and one of my community members emailed me and asked me about how long it is going to take her to get pregnant if she just got off her IUD. So, I thought I’d do a video on it, but I did respond to her in email.
If you’re just coming off of your IUD or your birth control pill, how long should you give yourself to get pregnant? Well, the reality is some women will get pregnant very quickly, like within that month or the next month, but in general, I think the rule of thumb is to give yourself six months to let your cycle regulate, to let your body detox from all the hormones and give yourself that space until all of your body just normalize.
I personally wouldn’t put all pressure on you to get pregnant immediately and I also wouldn’t put that expectation that “Oh, I’m going to get off the pill and I’m going to get pregnant.” I think what you should do is you should say “We want to start getting pregnant in six months from now and so we’re going to get off the birth control pill or the IUD now” and you could have unprotected sex as much as you want; that’s fine, but not with the intention that right now you’re going to be planning to conceive when you ovulate. Just give yourself those six months and give yourself the space to do what you need to and let your body normalize.
What can you do during this time? Well, what you can do during this time is maybe:
1) do a detox to help get rid of all those extra hormones
2) you can start to just look at all the basics of your life; clean up your diet, make sure you’re exercising, make sure you’re doing all the right things and that you’re not stressing out; kind of clean all the basics up so that you’re prepared and really just make sure that you and your partner are on the same page.
If during this time you find that there is a problem. You’ve gotten off the pill or the IUD and all of a sudden your cycle is not regular or it is different from what you expected them to be or the way they were. Now, you have to go to find a specialist. Now I think it is worth going into your OB/GYN, find a fertility specialist; someone who knows what to look for so they can start to guide you to investigate what’s going on and hopefully correct those issues. Hopefully that’s not the case, but that’s why you give yourself the space, these six months to figure it that out and see if there is any issue.
Hopefully you found this video useful. Additionally, if you want more information if you’re just starting out in your conception process and just setting up the foundational tools and getting cleaned up and so forth then if you want more information on how to do that and the right things to look for and the right things to do, then you should check out my free webinar, “The 5 secrets of getting pregnant.” You can click right here to get that information and check it out. See you in the next video.
If you want to find out how fertile you are take my free fertility quiz right here to find out what level of fertility you’re at and potentially get some help.
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