Hi, I’m Dr. Marc Sklar, the fertility expert, and welcome to The Fertility Blog. In this post, we’ll be talking about whole foods and detox for fertility and getting pregnant.
Have you been feeling a bit sluggish, lethargic, unmotivated, unhealthy, or just generally blah? Maybe you’ve lost your creative spark, find yourself entrenched in a stressful job, or are missing a meaningful connection with your partner or supportive community.
Maybe you are trying to get pregnant, and it’s not happening.
What you may not know is that these feelings could be stemming from what you are eating and how you are living – and can also be fixed with your food and lifestyle! To help transform your life, Dr. Deanna Minich created the Whole Detox program to promote physical, mental, and spiritual health through nutrition and lifestyle changes.
My lovely friend Dr. Deanna asked me to be a guest speaker for her podcast. During this interview, we talk about detox and fertility. If you want to get pregnant, and it’s taking longer than you were expecting, you should consider a healthy Detox.
As you can see during this podcast interview, when we talk about detox we are not talking about juicing and starving yourself by drinking water during 10 days… that’s not wise and I will never recommend something like that. (Even less if you are trying to get pregnant and want to improve your fertility)
You can watch the full interview here
Unlike many detox programs, Whole Detox don’t focus on what to take out, only what to add in. During the program, you’ll incorporate colorful whole foods into your diet and learn substitute for the unhealthy fats and sugars that are prevalent in many processed foods today.
What also makes Whole Detox different is that it is the first program that views detox through the lens of whole-body health. During the detox, Dr. Minich not only addresses dietary changes, but also lifestyle and relationship changes that are necessary for you to live a full-spectrum life.
The basis of Whole Detox is the 7 Systems of Health: ROOT, FLOW, FIRE, LOVE, TRUTH,INSIGHT, and SPIRIT. Each system corresponds to a different part of the body, and is represented by a different color. If one of your systems is out of balance, it is likely having a negative effect on certain parts of your life.
It’s time to make lasting change in your life, and Whole Detox can help! The next 21-day Whole Detox program might be running soon, check this link to know when the next one will be. This is going to be an extra-special program because it’s not only an whole-self detox experience, but it will be centered around food and how you can harness the power of leafy greens, vibrant fruits, and grounding grains to transform your body, mind, and spirit.Each program also includes:
- A private Facebook community for support
- Daily meal plans, recipes, visualizations, movements, and affirmations*
- Exclusive gifts and discounts from sponsors
- and much, much more!
Dr. Minich has been hosting Whole Detox programs for several years now, and always receives an incredible response from the community. Here’s what a past participant had to say about her experience:“I found the great rainbow of colors and all the great variety of the foods in all the recipes made a great change for me as it added to my imagination and inspired me to make varied meals instead of relying on several favorites. I can feel the benefit this has on my body – and my mind enjoys participating too!”