Quick side note – I’ve put together this Fertility QUIZ 5 for you. Find out how fertile are you! Just a couple minutes will help you understanding your fertility level. – Start the FERTILITY QUIZ here
Hi! I’m Dr. Marc Sklar, the Fertility Expert and welcome back to Fertility TV. In this episode we’re going to be talking what you should be considering if you’re considering IVF.
So first and foremost if someone has told you that you should think about IVF or the IVF doctor told you should be thinking about IVF, I want you to think about these four things first:
One – Have you given yourself enough time to prepare your body? So by that I mean I believe, and the research shows that you need at least three months to prepare your body to be successful with any fertility procedure that you’re going to do. Follicular genesis, the process in which your body chooses a good quality egg to use during any given cycle, takes a minimum of three months, if not more; and the same thing for sperm, spermatogenesis is the same. So we need to give ourselves some time and some space to improve our health, to improve the quality of our uterus, our lining, our ovaries, our eggs and our sperm so that way when it’s time to go through that procedure you’re in a much better place to go through that if that’s the direction you go. But hopefully in those three, maybe more months that you’re using to prepare yourself, you actually get pregnant. So that’s Number One.
Number Two – Relationships. Have you and your partner discussed this? Are you both on the same page? I cannot tell you how often I hear that “My partner’s not quite ready to go through with it but I want to so that’s what we’re going to do…” so on, whatever it might be. You both need to be on the same page. I have seen way too many divorces because of IVF treatments and fertility journeys that I want that to end, and the one way that I believe that’s going to end is by being on the same page and communicating. So make sure that you talk with your partner, that your relationship is strong and the foundation is strong and that you both are moving forward in the same direction, in the same time frame that you want.
Three – Have you gotten a second opinion? Just because you walked into the IVF clinic and they said you need an IVF doesn’t mean that’s what you need. That’s the business they’re in is IVF, that’s what they believe is the only option that’s going to get you pregnant so that’s typically what they recommend. So I wouldn’t expect to go to an IVF clinic and be told that you should go home and try naturally, not to say that I haven’t heard that being suggested, but that’s not typically the answer that you’re going to get. So if you want a second opinion and a different perspective you need to speak to someone who works in a different paradigm. So I suggest you get a second opinion from somebody else, from another fertility specialist, see what they think, see what their thoughts are and what direction they think that you can go, and listen to their recommendations.
And Number Four – Have you actually tried naturally for enough time to give yourself the ability to see if you’re able to get pregnant doing that? I work with patients naturally all the time and I see magical things happen. If you give yourself the space and you have the plan, and you have the right guidance, I believe that you can achieve it, and I think that way too many couples end up going through IVF when they don’t need it.
So those are my four, make sure that you give yourself some time to prepare if that’s the direction you’re going to go; make sure your relationship is solid; get a second opinion and have you tried other methods like trying naturally? An option I have for all of you listening is that if you want to prepare your body and use these three months should you have to go through IVF and make it the most successful it can be, then I give you all those tools and more in my fertility school. Additionally I hope that you’re able to use that information and get pregnant naturally instead, but if not, there’s a whole section just on IVF and IUI to help enhance that and make that more successful.
So those are my thoughts on financing fertility treatments and how to manage that. Additionally, if you want more help to help you get pregnant naturally and increase your chances all on your own at home then check out my fertility school, it might be the right thing for you.
If you want to find out how fertile you are take my free fertility quiz right here to find out what level of fertility you’re at and potentially get some help.
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