What to eat when your are TTC? The Fertility Diet Basic Guidelines

What to eat when your are TTC? The Fertility Diet Basic Guidelines

What to eat when your are TTC? The Fertility Diet Basic Guidelines


If there is ONE thing, just one, that I want you to start doing if you are trying to get pregnant (TTC) (from all the fertility tips and emails that I have been sending you) is following this 20 easy nutritional tips that are going to help you boosting your fertility and getting pregnant faster. If you are just starting trying to get pregnant, here is another blogpost with the 3 basics you need to cover when you are TTC


Let’s start with some (Ok, a lot) but very simple steps you need to follow if you are trying to get pregnant:

1. Eat organic fruits and vegetables as often as possible in order to avoid harmful pesticides and herbicides. This is so important when making your food choices.

2. Eat organic dairy products that do not contain hormones or antibiotics. If you suffer from endometriosis or fibroids, you should avoid dairy products altogether because they naturally contain estrogen which stimulates their growth. If you have polycystic ovarian syndrome you should avoid dairy, too.

3. Eat only lean red meat that is grass-fed or organically grown. Conventionally grown cattle contain hormones, antibiotics and other contaminants that contribute to excess estrogen.

4. Eat only organic ‘pasture-raised’ or ‘free-range’ chicken to avoid hormones and antibiotics which can disrupt your hormonal balance.

5. Eat wild fish. Select fish like sole, tilapia, cod, and salmon. Avoid farmed salmon, tuna, shark, and sea food because they may contain high level of heavy metals.

6. Make sure your fertility diet is high in fiber because it helps the body eliminate excess estrogen. Also it lowers you blood glucose.

7. Do not eat soy products unless they are the fermented type like miso or tempeh. Soy has estrogenic effect and it is not indicated if you are trying to conceive but most impotently you should avoid it during pregnancy and lactation.

8. Avoid soy beverages. Select unsweetened almond milk or unsweetened coconut milk alternatives

9. Avoid commercial fruit juices because the pasteurization process destroys vitamins, minerals and enzymes.

10. Avoid refined sugars. Choose natural sweeteners like honey, stevia, or xylitol

11. Drink lots of water, 6 to 8 glasses a day. Avoid drinking tap water at all costs because it can contain harmful chemicals. It is a good idea to invest in a filtration system and only drink filtered water. Avoid bottled water because the plastic contains bisphenol A, which decreases the division of uterine cells which may affect implantation.

12. Include essential fatty acids into your diet. Make sure you eat plenty of omega 3, 6 and 9 essential fatty acids. Select healthy oils like flax seed oil, oil of olive, hemp oil, and coconut oil. Avoid trans fats because they interfere with insulin sensitivity, especially if you have PCOS.

13. Avoid cooking your foods in a microwave oven because it can change the chemical structure of the food and make it harmful to your health. Avoiding non-stick cookware because they cause higher blood levels of PFC’s (perflourinated chemicals).

14. Eat fresh Ginger to improve digestion. In a study published in Alternative and Complementary medicine, ginger powder was found to be equally effective to conventional drugs to ease menstrual cramps. If you suffer from painful menses, try 250mg of ginger powder 4 times a day.

The Fertility Balanced Wheel

The Fertility Balance Wheel is a fertility exercise is for anyone who is feeling blocked in their fertility journey, needs a new approach to fertility and is ready to do what it takes to empower their fertility naturally. The Fertility Balanced Wheel is an easy exercise you can do at home that will help you take a look at different areas in your life that are affecting your fertility.

✓ You’ll learn about the 12 areas affecting your fertility

✓ You’ll understand what the areas in your life that need more support and focus right now

✓ You’ll get your fertility score for more recommendations

✓ You’ll be able to look at your body as a whole, don’t focus only in your reproductive system


H.O.P.E Coaching. Heal naturally to Overcome infertility & get Pregnant by Empowering your body

Who is this for: Any women trying to get pregnant for +6 months

It includes: 60 minutes coaching call with Dr Sklar, The Fertility Expert

During this 1 hour online fertility consultation with Dr Sklar, or his team of natural fertility experts, you’ll get all the fertility support you need,we’ll review your case, give you recommendations and create a next steps for a personalized plan to help you get pregnant. The H.O.P.E Coaching is a 60 minutes call where we’ll go over your fertility case and give you customized recommendations, that work for YOU. Me and my team of fertility experts are here to help you improve your fertility to get pregnant.

Schedule a Fertility Assessment