So sometimes women express to me that it’s difficult for them to know if they’re on their period at all or if they’re just spotting, so they can’t quite tell the difference between the two; and then also if they’re having a short period because they’re just bleeding for three or less days. So this is something that gets discussed often because obviously it brings concern, I mean if you’re younger some women are concerned cause they’re just bleeding for a short period of time and they think that’s a good thing, but as you age and you talk to more women and you realize what’s normal, you also come to realize that that’s not okay.
In this video we’re going to be talking about what your period is telling you with relationship to your fertility, and are you having short periods, light bleeding, or if you’re missing your period completely.
What Do Light Periods Mean for Fertility?
#1 Low estrogen levels:
Watch this video about heavy periods where I cover what to do to regulate your levels (either high estrogen or low estrogen)
#2 Weak Diet:
Light periods could mean your diet could be lacking nutritionally. Nutrition is SO important when trying to get pregnant. Changing your diet can be very easy if you know how. Watch this free training where I teach you how to detox your fertility and start a healthy diet in a very easy way.
To complement your diet you might need to start taking some supplements. But not all supplements are the same. In this free masterclass, I go over the 5 MUST take supplements to get pregnant. Click here to start watching the Best Supplements to Get Pregnant masterclass
#3 Hormonal Imbalances
Hormonal imbalances are one of the most common causes of infertility. If you’ve been feeling a bit of, overstressed, moody and a bit all over the place, your hormones might be out of whack. Hormones can be complicated to manage on your own. I suggest you get fertility lab work and some testing to find out what’s the cause of your imbalances and what to do about it. It’s the first thing I suggest to all my patients at my natural fertility clinics in San Diego or during my online consultations from women all over the world. To talk with me, click here. I’d be happy to review your case and help you get pregnant!
Finding out the why and getting the answers behind the issues is by far the most important thing; and again this is no different, so we have to figure out why. I do like to start with making changes with diet and lifestyle because that tends to be the easiest thing to change on your end and also doesn’t need you to work with a fertility specialist like myself, but if you’re suspecting that there’s truly a hormonal imbalance, you want to find out what’s really going on, then you do need to work with a specialist so that it can get deeper and find out the right answers to create the right plan for you.
Let’s go back to the dietary issues and what we can do there. When I’m working with diet, I like to focus on these three things in this specific case. #1 Increase your protein. You need amino acids and we get those from our protein, and that’s going to help regulate your hormones, and specifically help support your estrogen.
#2 Increate your FAT (healthy fats!) We need to eat fat and not just any fat, we need to eat healthy fat which I definitely go over on my website and in plenty of other videos what I consider to be healthy fats. Healthy fat will help you to stabilize hormones.
#3 WATER! We need to stay hydrated, your blood and your cells need proper hydration and nourishment and we get a lot of that through our water, and so it’s important to stay hydrated. I go over many more things and in more detail during the Detoxing for Fertility Masterclass. You can start watching here
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Our mission is to help you address the root cause of your fertility problems, empower your body to its maximum health so you can get pregnant naturally. If you’ve been trying with no success and want fertility help and answers on how to get pregnant, the Hope Coaching is the next step.
During this 1-hour online fertility consultation, you’ll get all the fertility support you need, we’ll review your case, give you recommendations and create a next steps for a personalized plan to help you get pregnant The H.O.P.ECoaching is the next step to make sure your fertility journey is going towards a healthy pregnancy. 60 minutes can mean the difference on how long it takes for you to hold your dreamed baby. No matter where you live (our programs are virtual), how long you’ve been trying or your fertility condition, we’re here for you.
If you’ve been trying for quite some time with no results, are tired of seeing doctors with no answers, but are not ready to quit on your body and your fertility, we’ll be your “fertility detectives”. During the HOPE Coaching call we’ll find answers to your fertility problems and study the next steps in your fertility journey.
If you started trying some months ago, but need guidance, want a holistic approach to fertility and are ready to empower your fertility in a natural way, the HOPE coaching call will give you the help you need to eliminate any blockages so you can start seeing results and feel EMPOWER, fertile and baby ready.
If you are thinking about getting pregnant and want to know how to get your body ready, empower your fertility in a natural way following our holistic fertility approach so you can get pregnant fast avoiding IVF.
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