Gestational Diabetes and Fertility – with Lily Nichols
Hey everyone! This week’s blog post is about Gestational Diabetes. During my interview with Lily Nichols we discuss about how her book: Real Food for Gestational Diabetes. – Let me know your thought on the comment area! – Marc
Metabolic disorders like diabetes and insulin resistance have grown to epidemic proportions in the last 20 years. Our lifestyles and diets have changed as we have tried to keep up with our fast paced environment. We have reduced our exercise and movement and simultaneously moved away from eating fresh whole foods. We have replaced these with sitting at desks and eating food that come out of a box. It is common for many people to think that eating a meal that comes out of the freezer and is cooked in the microwave is completely normal. There are whole generations of people who think cooking is heating something up.
During this time we were made to believe that eating low fat foods and high carbohydrate foods was healthy! The food pyramid, which has in recent years been modified, was thought to be the standard for a healthy diet. This article is not intended to go in depth on the state of our American diets but more to mention what issues that have lead to.
Gestational Diabetes is one of those health issues that has arisen out of this fast paced evolution. Many of my patients only begin to ask me questions about GD once they are pregnant, as if the only time to be preventative is once you are pregnant. The best opportunity to change your life as a preventative measure is prior to conception. This is only one of the many topics I cover in my interview with Lily Nichols who wrote Real Food for Gestational Diabetes. You can by her book here if you are interested in reading more about it. (Link to our amazon page with her book)
I love Lily’s book. Reading Real Food for Gestational Diabetes you will learn:
- Why conventional diet therapy often fails and what to do instead
- How the right prenatal nutrition can reduce the likelihood you’ll need insulin by 50%
- Exactly which foods raise your blood sugar (and more importantly, which foods DON’T raise your blood sugar)
- How to customize a meal plan with the right amount of carbohydrates for YOU (there’s no one-size-fits-all plan, despite what you may have been told)
- The truth about ketosis during pregnancy (and why checking urine ketones isn’t useful)
- Information on insulin and blood sugar-lowering medications used in pregnancy
- Which foods to emphasize to provide your baby with the right nutrients for optimal development (these real foods have a long history of producing strong, healthy babies)
- The best prenatal exercises to control your blood sugar and prepare for labor
- What to do after delivery to prevent type 2 diabetes
1. Real Food for Gestational Diabetes:
With the wrong information (or no information at all), far too many women are left alone struggling with erratic blood sugar and excessive weight gain, often leading them to high doses of insulin or medications and difficult births. In Real Food for Gestational Diabetes, Lily sets the record straight, offering revamped carbohydrate recommendations and exercise guidelines based on the latest clinical research.
Get your Real Food for Gestational Diabetes book here.
Did you just find out that you have gestational diabetes?
Check Lily’s personalized programs. 4 complete modules + lots of bonus!
The Fertility Balanced Wheel
This a fertility exercise is for anyone who is feeling blocked in their fertility journey, needs a new approach to fertility and is ready to do what it takes to empower their fertility naturally. The Fertility Balanced Wheel is an easy exercise you can do at home that will help you take a look at different areas in your life that are affecting your fertility.
✓ You’ll understand what the areas in your life that need more support and focus right now
✓ You’ll get your fertility score for more recommendations
✓ You’ll be able to look at your body as a whole, don’t focus only in your reproductive system
H.O.P.E Coaching – Heal naturally to Overcome infertility & get Pregnant by Empowering your body
Who is this for: Any women trying to get pregnant for +6 months
It includes: 60 minutes coaching call with Dr Sklar, The Fertility Expert
During this 1 hour online fertility consultation with Dr Sklar, or his team of natural fertility experts, you’ll get all the fertility support you need,we’ll review your case, give you recommendations and create a next steps for a personalized plan to help you get pregnant
The H.O.P.E Coaching is a 60 minutes call where we’ll go over your fertility case and give you customized recommendations, that work for YOU. Me and my team of fertility experts are here to help you improve your fertility to get pregnant.