Bring Back your Period with Nicole Jardim
Hey everyone! This week’s blog post is about getting your period back. During my interview with Nicole Jardim we discuss about how her programs can help you bringing your period back, understanding your body and much more. – Let me know your thought on the comment area! – Marc
During the interview and on her programs, Nicole Jardim is going to teach you how with these 5 crucial steps:
- The exact foods & supplements your body needs to bring back a regular period.
- A targeted plan to handle stress (because it has a MASSIVELY negative effect on your ovaries!)
- Gut and digestive healing – a happy gut is the foundation of any hormone healing program.
- Liver detoxification – an optimally functioning liver processes and removes excess harmful hormones so the helpful hormones can do their job properly. Yay!
- Thyroid healing to bring it together and complete your picture of health – if you want a regular period, you need your thyroid to be on your side!
1. Bring Back Your Period:
You know what can suck more than getting your period? Not getting it. This is why I love Nicole’s program “Bring Back Your Period”. This is a live program! That means if you join this course, you get the benefit of live calls with her to ask whatever you want – it’s almost like personal coaching, but at a fraction of the price! Check the interview we had together a couple months ago here. To find out more about her program, click here. .
2. Talk with Marc:
If you are ready to get pregnant and take control of your fertility, schedule a FREE consultation with me now!
Interview Transcript:
Marc: I’m Marc Sklar the fertility expert and I’m here with Nicole Jordim. So Nicole does a lot of work with hormones and women’s health. My assistant Anna was telling me that you tend to specialize a little bit more with younger women and their hormones. Can you tell me a little bit more about that?
Nicole: I do, yes. I work with women in their teens, 20’s and 30’s. I really think that we need to we need to empower and educate young women around how their body functions. I mean, I feel like I was put on Earth to do this work just because we don’t know what is going on in there and we’re perpetually afraid of it, I think. So I really want to help this generation of women understand what is going in their body so that they can make better decisions.Marc: That is great. I feel the same way. It is amazing to me how many times I have spoken to so many in the practice and they say “Well, I never knew that about my body or my menstrual cycle and reproductive organs.” It shows me how deficient we are, I speak for the United States, as a country in educating probably both men and women but specifically in this case, women about their hormones, their bodies and what it is suppose to be doing naturally and what it is not doing potentially. So I agree 100% with your passion.
Nicole: Thank you. I figured you probably do. Seriously though, we have our work cut out for us.
Marc: We do. So how did you get involved in this kind of work? Why are you so passionate about it?
Nicole: I really struggled when I was younger. In my teens I had so many period problems and I had no idea what to do. Eventually, the doctor is like “Well, you should just go on the pill and that should solve all of your problems.”
Marc: Of course.
Nicole: Yeah, I know right; “of course,” the solution.
Marc: So medical.
Nicole: I know; exactly. It is. So that’s what I did and I felt like I went from one raging hormone imbalance to another where I was completely deficient in everything by the time I was in my early 20’s. So I came off the pill and it took me a while to get my period back and it took me ages to regulate my cycle again and I have always had other health problems like serious joint pain, all kinds of issues that were brought on by the fact that my hormones were now non-existent because of the pill usage. It took me a long time to try and figure out what to do. If I had had someone guiding me I feel like it would change a lot of things. So that is where it just kind of stemmed from. Then I ended up going to the institute for integrated nutrition in New York and then I did a lot more training around women hormonal health, obviously, because this is kind of a complex subject. That is really where it all came from, but I just knew when I started learning about hormones that this is where I am meant to be.
Marc: That’s good; so you’re a nutritionist then?
Nicole: Yes, well health coach as in nutritionist. Yes, I’m a nutritionist. I don’t think I’m not allowed to say that in some States.
Marc: That’s okay; you don’t live in all States.
Nicole: True; very true.
Marc: That’s great. I think the work you are doing makes my life with my patients a lot easier by the time they get to me. It speeds up the process in helping them get pregnant
Nicole: Yes, for real. I actually work in conjunction with a lot of acupuncturists because our work really does go hand-in-hand.
Marc: Absolutely. Patients always come in and say “So what do you do? You’re just the acupuncturist?” but I tell them no, we do a lot more than that. For me nutrition is an essential and foundational work that all patients need to be doing along with lifestyle management and stress, as you know. So really controlling all of those things is essential and without those things, the acupuncture, the herbs aren’t effective or really can’t get the results that we hope to get.
Nicole: Yes, no doubt.
Marc: They really support each other.
Nicole: They really do; I know. They really put the puzzle altogether.
Marc: So what areas in a menstrual cycle of women’s health do you tend to focus on?
Nicole: I have a couple of niche areas that I focus on. So basically, right now I am really focusing on amenorrhea which is a lack of a period and irregular periods or just really white periods. For me, I just feel like I have been bombarded by women, thousands at this point, in the last couple of years who are struggling in these conditions and most of the time it is brought on by the use of hormonal birth control. Then usually, that in combination with eating issues or disorders with eating as well as low body weight or low body fat, I just really feel like this is almost like an epidemic as far as I am concerned. I really feel the need to educate women around this on what is going on and what they can start to do about it because so many of them are saying they are just not getting the answers they want and also being told that they should just go back on the birth control pill. I know right. I mean, seriously. So it really is frustrating because they are not getting solutions to the root cause of the problem. So that is one area of my focus and then the other area is mostly around PMS and painful periods. Of course, there are a zillion PMS, so I cover all of that under that umbrella, and as well as painful periods which is I guess can stem into endometriosis and things like, and PCOS. I really feel like those are the two areas that I cover because there isn’t anyone specifically focusing on those conditions.
Marc: That’s great. It is interesting because when I see women who have regular cycles or no periods at all and come into to try to get pregnant on our end, they say “Well, my OB/GYN just said I am going to put you on the pill,” and “I’m going to start you on clomid to induce ovulation.” It is not really fixing the problem. If the pill was fixing the problem you wouldn’t be in my office. So it’s a ban-aid, if that an in many cases it is just probably just causing more problems. So it is hard to get patients initially to switch off of that because we want to change the issues so they don’t have to deal with these. Sure, clomid might help them get pregnant once but it is not really taking care of the issue
Nicole: Right, what are your hormones going to look like after your pregnancy. I mean, that is something to think about too.
Marc: Yes. Then when you say PMS, amenorrhea and painful periods; I have what I describe to women the ideal menstrual cycle and I tell them that it should not include PMS or pain with your period, this face of astonishment is always in front of me sitting there, “What do you mean? I thought that was normal.” I had o try to differentiate common from normal and just because things are common doesn’t necessarily make them normal for us or something that we have to deal with. So I really admire the work you’re doing because I think you will save a lot of heartache and a lot of problems in the future.
Nicole: I agree. Isn’t it incredible?! I think we women have just come to the realization collectively that this is our lot in life and we just have to put up with it because apparently when you are a woman you should have to live in pain and deal with crazy emotional symptoms. It’s bizarre! I feel like we almost feel as if we have to be medicated in some way just to get through life. That to me is the promise of the birth control pill, at least for many millions of women using it for reasons other than birth control.
Marc: Well, even that I would like to think there are otherways around birth control without having to take. It probably takes a little more effort but…
Nicole: I’m into that too and I’m a huge proponent of that, obviously; natural birth control. So yes, it takes some effort but it is so worth it in the long run.
Marc: Yes, it is not changing the biochemistry of your body
Nicole: Yes, precisely.
Marc: So I know that periodically you come out with programs to help women take control of their bodies and their menstrual cycles and so forth. You have one coming up today or very soon, right?
Nicole: Yes I do actually. It is happening. It is called ‘Bring Back your Period and Regulate Your Cycle’. It is a three month program where I am just showing women the step by step process that they need to follow in order to bring back a regular menstrual cycle or create a regular menstrual cycle if their periods are irregular. It is just something I have been working on for ages and ages, like years at this point, and sort of formulating a plan for people because there are just so many contributing factors to this. So I think women need to, again coming from a place of wanting to understand what exactly is going on in their bodies, because for me that was the biggest thing. I mean, I felt like I was completely in the dark about it for so long and as a result I was afraid of what was going on in there so I just ignored it completely because that is what we tend to do. So I created a program where people will understand what is going and then be able to take steps to fix the underlying core issues which are these hormonal imbalances, why they are happening and what we can do about them. So I am very excited about that.
Marc: That’s great. In the program do you talk about, it seem like you have said it, but why they are in the situation to begin with?
Nicole: Yes. In fact, I have a three part video series that is a lead up to the program that people can take a look at so that they can understand all the different reasons why amenorrhea happens or oligomenorrhea which is actually irregular periods. So I have broken down everything. I mean, it comes from hormonal birth control, obviously, a lot of different lifestyle factors and things like exercise and diet and all that kind of stuff. So when women understand that these could be the potential reasons why then they can move onto eventual solutions. I definitely do a great intro of what is going on and why it is happening for women as well as debunking the mix around their period as well as what the solutions are because as we were talking about, the common solutions are progesterone shots, birth control pills, clomid, potential IVF; all of these kind of things. I think, to me, it should really be the most satisfying thing for a woman to get back control of her hormones and how a regular cycle, be fertile naturally; all of these things that they are being told continually that is not possible.
Marc: That’s great. I know in the practice, two big things that I see often are stress and how much of a contributing factor that is, but also thyroid disorders and how much it affects menstrual cycles but also how much it affects the ability to get pregnant, maintain pregnancy, have a healthy pregnancy and so forth; so I imagine that you are talking about those two things as well. The one thing that is always interesting, to me, that I find where patients start to have irregular cycles and no cycle at all is where it all happens in their mid to late teens. As they are in high school they are becoming more active and hormones are shifting. I find a combination between dietary irregularities, usually a really up swing of exercise because they are playing soccer or whatever it might be and that hormonal shift just triggers the endocrine system and it is like they just lose their menstrual cycle.
Nicole: There is no doubt. That’s why I am saying I would really like to help women who are younger just because that is, to me, essentially the problem. I mean, so many of these girls have all of these things happening and it is almost like triad of things; there is the dietary aspect of it, there is the birth control and then there is the exercise or potential over-exercising. I just have found that so many of them there is little irregularities and then suddenly they are just put on the pill to “regulate their cycle” then that imbalance just stays with them through their 20’s and into their 30’s until they come off when they decide they want to have a baby. I know you probably see that every single day of your life. It is heartbreaking because it just doesn’t need to be that way. So that is where we’re focused.
My foundation of this course is food and what you need to be eating in order to balance and build your hormones and then on gut healing because, obviously, that is our hugest role. A happy gut equals healthy hormones. Then I focus on liver and gallbladder health because the liver, of course, is like your garbage disposal, your processor of all hormones. Then we focus of the thyroid because of course your thyroid is completely integrated with how your ovaries function. I mean, almost across the board women who come to me who are having fertility problems they then allude to the fact that they have either been on thyroid medications since they were in late teens or 20’s or they just have gone on it and they have just discovered a thyroid imbalance meanwhile they have probably had it for a long time. Them I am okay “That makes so much sense.” Nobody knows the connection. So it is really those things as well as reconnecting to your feminine vitality and your femininity is to me a really big part of this as well just because we live in such a masculine world and where we are awarded for our masculine traits. So I really focus on those five key areas to help address hormonal imbalances.
Marc: I love it. So you have been doing this work one-on-one with clients or patients?
Nicole: Yes, I have. I have been doing it one-on-one. It has been going for five years now. Wow! It has been awhile. So I have been doing it one-on-one and doing group programs. So the group programs have been interspersed throughout the years with the one-on-one coaching.
Marc: Great. Now you’re taking that or components of that and putting it into the program.
Nicole: Yes, exactly. Everyone has live access to me and things like that but it is just more of a group basis. Yes, so I am just taking my program, essentially, and turning it into a larger scale program where more women have access.
Marc: We have to change the world and the only way to do that is to reach more people.
Nicole: Exactly. That’s the plan.
Marc: Good.
Nicole: Totally.
Marc: Well, that’s awesome. I wish you all the best and the luck with the launch of that program. Hopefully it goes well and I am a great proponent because you are doing a lot of the same things we do here on our end, just that you are trying to catch them earlier which would make my life easier.
Nicole: Thanks Marc. Yes, I know; seriously. I’m trying to make people’s lives easier for sure.
Marc: Good. Any last minute things you want to touch on before we tune out?
Nicole: I don’t think so. I think we have covered it all. I mean, I know I can probably talk about this stuff for hours and I don’t want to bore people. Again, I want to reiterate the fact that I feel so strongly that women can be empowered to understand what is happing in their bodies and know what is going on and be their own health advocate because I think we are very much in a place where we go to the doctor and the doctor tells us what to do and we do it based on fear or just not knowing. I want to shift that paradigm. I think that it is definitely doable and women can be given more credit for taking ownership for their health.
Marc: Absolutely. Actually, I will expand on that a little bit. I think I know that the physicians after seeing, specifically in this case, OB/GYNs, are very much dictated by health insurance. Their recommendations, their ability to not only prescribe but do certain procedures or to follow protocols is dictated by insurance or what they won’t or will do or will allow. So that I really believe tie their hands because it doesn’t allow them to think outside of the box because most people who are going to see them really need their insurance to cover it. So we are hindered by the current healthcare system and the way that it is run because of the way it dictates the way healthcare providers practice. So that is unfortunate but that really contributes to where we are today. So hopefully, women can take control of their own health and not have to be dictated and guided by that.
Nicole: I agree completely. I know. Again, when they understand what is happening they can make decisions that are empowered and informed. I am excited to see how we can make that happen more.
Marc: Yes, I agree. So hopefully this will be a little helpful video for everyone out there and get them started and moving in the right direction. It is January, so hopefully this sets off to a wonderful New Year of health goals, regular cycles and balanced hormones.
Nicole: Totally. Awesome!
Marc: Thanks for joining me. I really appreciate it and good luck with everything.