Secondary Infertility TREATMENT – Trying to Conceive

Secondary Infertility TREATMENT – Trying to Conceive

Secondary Infertility TREATMENT – Trying to Conceive

Transcription :

Dr. Marc Sklar:

Secondary fertility issues is a common diagnosis, but I’m sure many of you actually didn’t even realize that, because often when we think of fertility issues, we think that someone just has never been able to get pregnant or able to hold a pregnancy to full term, but that’s not necessarily the case, and secondary infertility is something that we commonly see on a weekly basis.

Dr. Marc Sklar:

Today, we’re going to be sharing another story of hope from Julie, who was in her late thirties when she was able to conceive. After two years of trying and dealing with secondary fertility issues, she was able to have children before and she struggled to have a child this go around. So that’s why I want to share this story with you, because secondary fertility is so common and I do think Julie’s story is extremely powerful.

Dr. Marc Sklar:

My name is Dr. Marc Sklar, also known as the fertility expert and I’ve been working with couples for over 19 years through my online coaching programs and right here in San Diego at my clinic. And secondary fertility is something I often see on a regular basis, which is why I wanted to create this video for all of you today. I also wanted to create this video for all of you today because my mission with this YouTube channel is to inform and educate all of you, to empower all of you, to help you at pregnant with as much information as possible. And a little thing that all of you can do to help me is to share this video and like this video, so that more women, more couples around the world can understand more about secondary fertility issues and get the support that they need. Okay, so now let’s get into it. Let’s hear from Julie.


This is it. This is going to be so easy. And even the doctor thought that we were good to go. We were young enough. We had a good history together, and then we waited and waited and waited. And as the months started rolling by, we were a little bit surprised because everything had been so easy before. We had never even experienced anything like this. So we started poking around a little bit just to find out what the problems might be, if there was a problem or it’s just because of John’s history, we just needed to give it more time, and he kept going in for testing and everything was looking great on his end. So then I started doing some testing and things pretty much looked good on my end. I started tracking my temperature and doing all sorts of things. Still nothing, so we tried some supplements. Still nothing, and it was beginning about it probably going into about a year later, which for anybody is a long time-

Dr. Marc Sklar:



… especially with somebody who’s never experienced anything like this before. So we were pretty sure there was something up and we had an OB who was helping us, but he was, he just kept mentioning my age and how time was against us. He was just not encouraging.

Dr. Marc Sklar:

So I do want to touch on this. Regardless if you’ve been pregnant before or not, this is always what gets said. It’s your age, time’s running out. These things start to plant the negative seed that we all start to think about over and over and over because somebody on the other side of the desk with a white coat made those comments, so we think of them as fact and dogma, and they don’t have to be.

Dr. Marc Sklar:

The only thing you can’t control in this life is your age. When it comes to fertility, all the things that you can do and take into your own hands and change, age is not one of them. So we can’t focus on them, and that shouldn’t be the only driving force that dictates our decisions. I’ve had 45 year olds get pregnant and have healthy, beautiful eggs, great ovarian reserve, great egg quality. And I’ve had also 32 year olds who need a lot more support because their health isn’t good, their egg quality isn’t good.

Dr. Marc Sklar:

So age is not the only variable, especially in somebody like Julie, who’s clearly shown the ability to get pregnant in the past. So I do think we all need to move past this whole age thing and start to take into account a lot of the other variables that are impacting us. The only thing that I do think that age does mean for all of us is it push us to make certain decisions about our timeline moving forward a lot faster than we would potentially normally do that, and all of that is going to depend on our own family planning and what we want in the future. So more from Julie.


Also, would not listen to me about my own body. He had a set of statistically this is what happens, and my body was a little bit different from that and I kept trying to explain to him that even though I was not an expert on statistics, I was certainly an expert on my own cycles. And he just couldn’t be bothered, which kind of bothered me that he wouldn’t listen to me and it really frustrated me, but we tried to stick with him, because we were told he was the best in our area.

Dr. Marc Sklar:

I hear this all the time and if any of you watched my Instagram stories a couple weeks ago, I shared a testimonial from a woman in my hope fertility coaching program, who shared how much hope and support she felt after her initial call with me, that she hadn’t had in such a long time because I listened to her, and this what Julie’s saying right now is a very common thing to hear, is that they didn’t listen to me. They didn’t care what I had to say or what my body did. I just was a number. I was pushed in a certain direction because I was a statistic. I want you all to feel heard and get the support that you need just like Julie did and all the others in my hope fertility coaching program. So let’s keep listening to Julie.


And about this time I found Dr. Marc’s YouTube channel and so I started watching different things and I was just really impressed with how much free content he gave, and not only that, but the quality of what he was sharing. And there was a video he did and he shared why he thought that women who were older, why he felt that they were actually in a better position to get pregnant. And I thought, well, that’s, I’ve never heard anybody who’s excited to help older women. And that just really struck a chord with me because here was somebody who was saying, yes, this is totally possible. He was giving examples of women he knew in their late forties, early fifties conceiving. I was just, I was amazed. I felt so encouraged.


So I reached out to him and I started calling him on Facebook and then I started hearing about his coaching calls and I talked to my husband and I just said, “I know these are a little bit expensive, but we’ve tried a lot of other things, and I really like what he has to say, what do you think?” So we decided to do a coaching call and I did it with Lownika and she was amazing. She just was so thorough. She went over my charts and even though I’m very comfortable charting and knowing exactly what’s going on, she just kind of pointed out a few things and explained some things to me. She suggested a few supplements that I tried and even though we didn’t get pregnant right away, just to have somebody saying, “This is totally possible, we’re going to figure this out. Not only that, but we’re going to figure out what’s going on with you.”

Dr. Marc Sklar:

Okay. So there’s a few things that I need to point out in what Julie just said and she said so much impactful, useful information for all of us. So here’s the thing, regardless of your age, we all have the potential to conceive, and we love working with older women because they’re committed to the process. A hundred percent is what we’ve seen and that’s what really one of the most important things we need is commitment. We need all of you to be committed to the process, which is why someone like Julie was such a good candidate for working with us and why she was able to get the results that wanted.

Dr. Marc Sklar:

And then the other thing that you all need to remember is that I’m not the only one on my team. Lownika also works with us and that’s who Julie worked with. And whether you work with me specifically or Lownika, we’re going to dive deeper, we’re going to be thorough, and most importantly, we’re going to be truthful and encouraging with all of you about what we think is real and possible and the potential that you really have. You all need someone to look at things and take a step back. We need different perspectives. We need different information. And even though she mentioned that she was tracking her BBTs and they were all good and she understood them, sometimes we can, be so close and so involved in it, it’s difficult to see through it clearly. And that’s what we’re able to do, is see the things that you can’t see because we’re not biased and we can take a step back and look at the big picture in everything that’s there. And those were some of the things that were impactful for Julie.

Dr. Marc Sklar:

And even though she wasn’t able to get pregnant immediately, it was the progress. It was the potential and the belief we had in her ability to conceive that really kept her going. And in the end, I think actually kept her going long enough to get the results that she wanted.


What’s going on with you, not just, okay, this is just how I do this to all my patients, no, individual care.

Dr. Marc Sklar:

That piece is essential. We are all unique. We are all individuals and we all need an individualized plan that is focused on our needs and our issues. That is what I see hands down gets most people the results that they’re looking for. Let’s keep listening.


That was just so encouraging to me. So just having somebody come alongside to support and encourage, to give me some ideas to try. One thing that Lownika was able to help me figure out was I was having high blood sugar, and I have a child that has type one diabetes, so I certainly know what that’s about. That was a little bit of a curve ball because I was not expecting it at all, and we never did figure out what was causing the high blood sugar, but it did eventually go away and then shortly after that I got pregnant. So whether that was a contributing factor or not, we’re not sure, but at least I knew what was there and I was able to try some dietary things to kind of help correct it a little bit. So even though there were some things that we didn’t get answered, just having somebody to kind of guide me a little bit, to give me a lot of feedback to recommend and just to be there to say, “Hey, how are things going?”

Dr. Marc Sklar:

So a couple points there is that she didn’t think she had any blood sugar issues, but sometimes they’re there just really under the radar. So we couldn’t figure out why, and often they come from other areas, whether it’s diet or stress or whatnot, but we are able to support you through that process, we were able to give her the tools, the information to start to manipulate her diet a little bit more and try some different things to get that under control. And just like she said, once she did that, she was able to get rid of that and be able to conceive. And blood sugar issues, insulin issues are a big issue when it comes to fertility. So that could have been the key for her that she just didn’t know. And then again, the support that she got ongoingly, the support when she needed it, just to keep her going, was essential to getting her those results.


It was really instrumental in kind of getting us through. It took us a total of two years before we found out that our baby’s on the way.

Dr. Marc Sklar:

Yeah, so she waited two years to conceive in working and part of that time working with us. So it can take time, but with the right plan, the right support, the right guidance, you can get the results that you’re looking for. And so for all of you who want that support, who’ve been trying longer than you’ve ever wanted, who need a little bit more coaching and guidance, I want to invite you to join my whole fertility coaching program so that we can guide you through the process. If that’s something that you’re interested in, then use the link in the description below to apply. I also want to remind you all that I do have a new free fertility guide for all of you. So before you go, if you want more information, if you want help getting started with the right resources, maybe the right supplements, the right things to look at when you are on your fertility journey, then check out my free guide. It’s awesome, jam packed with tons of useful information. So just use that link to check it out.

Dr. Marc Sklar:

And now that you’ve stuck through the entire video with me, I want to first say thank you. And secondly, I hope you got a lot of useful information from this video. Was it impactful for all of you? Did you like it? If so, give me a thumbs up and make sure you’re a subscriber to my YouTube channel by hitting that bell. I also want to hear from you. Did Julie’s story speak to you? Do you have secondary fertility issues? What did you learn? Comment below and let me know. And until the next video, stay fertile.