Recurrent Pregnancy Loss – HOW SHE GOT PREGNANT AFTER several MISCARRIAGES
Transcription :
Marc Sklar:
Getting pregnant after a miscarriage is possible and today we’re going to hear a story just exactly about that from Sarah as she shares her story because she started to feel like something was wrong potentially with her reproductive function because of her painful periods and her cramping and the quality of her menstrual bleed. Sarah’s going to share her story and it’s a story where she shares about her multiple miscarriages and what she started to do to address that and why she started to work with us to get the results that she was able to get. As always, I will stop and comment and share some more intimate details about her case to help you on your fertility journey as well. And miscarriages are something that we often support and address both in the clinic and in my coaching program, which is why this story from Sarah is so valuable for all of you.
Sarah is a member of my Hope Coaching Program and she reached out because she wanted that support because she wanted to avoid IVF, if possible, and, more importantly, avoid another miscarriage if we were able to help her get there, which we were. So let’s jump in and listen to Sarah share her story for all of you. Let’s get into it.
So my husband and I started trying to conceive when I had just turned 32, and I’ve always had really, really horrible periods, so I just always had this expectation it might be difficult to conceive. I don’t know why.
Marc Sklar:
I do want to touch on this real quickly. I know I said this earlier that she had this feeling that it was going to be an issue. I think it’s really important that we listen to our gut, that we listen to our female intuition that’s guiding us and telling us. Our body talks to us for a specific reason. It’s really important that we pay attention and not ignore it. She didn’t ignore it, although maybe she waited a little longer than she wanted to reach out for support. But don’t ignore what your body’s telling you.
I didn’t have any known issues outside of just really horrible periods. We actually conceived really fast and I think it was the first cycle we tried, which I was very surprised by. But almost immediately I experienced some spotting and so I was a little concerned. And I went in, I had a great OB team, so they got me in right away, and at six weeks there was no heartbeat and things didn’t look quite right.
Marc Sklar:
I hate to hear that.
So they brought me back in a week later. Things still weren’t progressing so then we had a DNC because it did look a little, the suspect of a molar pregnancy, which luckily it wasn’t. So first miscarriage, they don’t really do much testing so they just said, “Try again.” So we tried again and got pregnant again fairly quick in the grand scheme of things and, once again, I started experiencing some spotting pretty early and the same scenario where went in at six weeks, there was no heartbeat, went back in a week later, and confirmed that things weren’t progressing. So, at that point, I just decided it was time to seek a fertility specialist.
Marc Sklar:
So I think this is just something that’s important to mention, that even though she’s at this point had multiple miscarriages, the positive here, the silver lining here, is that she has been able to get pregnant. And that might not be a real silver lining for many of you, but I do see it as a silver lining because it takes one part of the equation out because we know she’s able to conceive and we really need to now focus on why she’s having her losses. And she also, to her credit, realized she needed more support and that she needed to figure out why she was having these losses, which is why she started to reach out I think to a fertility clinic. Let’s hear.
Professionally, I work in a field that also is involved in fertility. I know a lot more maybe than just an average person so I was pretty quick to jump on the fertility specialist train. I saw a fertility specialist, we did some testing, the very basic testing that a mainstream fertility clinic covers.
Marc Sklar:
Always basic testing here.
Didn’t really find anything. We decided to incorporate progesterone in my routine just because, why not?
Marc Sklar:
Which is a good next step, by the way.
And so I conceived again and this time I didn’t have any spotting. I had way more symptoms and when I went in at seven weeks, there was no heartbeat.
Marc Sklar:
So the reason here she didn’t have spotting this time versus the first two and the reason why she had much more symptoms is because of the progesterone. The progesterone medication she was taking, one, increased all of her pregnancy symptoms because it can mimic that. So for those of you who are on progesterone, I don’t recommend that you pay attention to all the symptoms because you might not have any and you might have a lot and it doesn’t really mean much. But in her case, we did see that there was some benefit to the progesterone because it mitigated the spotting and bleeding that she was having so that was good. But, in the end, she still ended up in the same place, which was not an ideal situation.
At that point, I was just feeling pretty defeated.
Marc Sklar:
I can understand.
I knew there were many more things we could test for and that clinic wasn’t open to testing for these things.
Marc Sklar:
Which is often the case.
And since I know Marc through my job, I don’t know why I didn’t think to go to him first, but I knew I had to reach out to him. And so I reached out to Marc and it was just such a different experience. I sent him all of our blood work, all of the information from our miscarriages, because that was also really the hard part about our journey was all of our embryos were normal.
Marc Sklar:
Often the case. So I should comment here as well, is that one of the main things that we’re always told when we have miscarriages is that, “Oh, it’s genetic. The embryo was abnormal and that’s why.” Well, in her case, that wasn’t the case. That might be true in many circumstances, but that’s not always the cause. It’s not always the reason why we’re having losses. And just because maybe you’ve had an abnormal embryo in one miscarriage, it doesn’t mean that all future ones will also be that way or be the reason why you potentially had a loss. So one of those things for Sarah was that she knew that all the embryos were normal yet nobody wanted to dig deeper beyond that because they just didn’t know what to do or they didn’t want to dig deeper.
IVF wasn’t a good option because if we implanted a normal embryo, the same thing probably would happen.
Marc Sklar:
I got to comment here again. That’s very, very true. Often the suggestion when we have multiple losses is, “Oh, let’s just do IVF and do genetic testing. You’ll be fine.” But that’s not always the cause. That’s not always the reason. So if genetic issues are not the underlying cause, IVF is not necessarily going to be the answer for that. So in her case, we knew that. And for those of you who maybe did have an understanding that there was a genetic abnormality for your losses, I would also encourage you to dig deeper anyway because we don’t want to spend all that money, effort, and time and resources to do IVF and to find out that there was still another issue that could have been prevented if we knew about it but no one bothered to check on it.
So reached out to Marc and when we had our meeting with him, not only did he spend all this time looking over our lab work and testing before our call, what I really appreciated is he went through it all, even though he knew our fertility specialist before what would’ve done that, and just confirmed what we had done based on anything we found. And lo and behold, there was something that I had tested for with our fertility specialist that they never mentioned to me and there was one thing that he recommended you would do if you had this condition, which was super easy, just taking a Baby Aspirin. And my doctor totally missed that.
So what I really appreciated was that he looked at all of that information, confirmed that he knew what we had done, and then we also did more blood work with Marc and he found a few different markers. He created such a comprehensive plan. I did a fertility diet, which was challenging, but I would tell any person trying to conceive that there’s just something so nice about feeling in control of something. Even though the diet was challenging, I felt like I was doing something to improve my chance, which felt really important to me. So I did that and took supplements.
Marc Sklar:
I got to pause her here and just comment on a few things. So, first and foremost, it’s really not uncommon to have lab tests that you’ve run with another physician and they tell you everything’s fine, and then often we look at it and see that that’s not necessarily the case, that everything is not necessarily fine. Sometimes they just miss things by accident. Sometimes they ignore things because they don’t think that they’re important. That’s the first piece that Sarah was talking about that I noticed some things that I felt like needed to be addressed just from already the labs that she had done. And then there were a whole slew of tests given her multiple losses that hadn’t been tested that we needed to run. And what she’s not saying here is that what we were able to figure out between both groups of labs that were run is that both she had a small minor blood clotting disorder that needed to be supported and addressed, and we also found that she had some autoimmune issues as well that also needed to be addressed.
So when she’s talking about that diet, that diet was really meant specifically for that whole picture that she has for her unique situation. And she’s right, it’s not easy, it takes effort, it takes a lot of preparation and time. But the wonderful thing that she shared there is that she felt empowered, that she knew that, yes, it wasn’t easy, but as long as that she followed through with these things, she had the control again. She was empowered to make the change herself and control the outcomes versus giving up that control. And I think that’s such an important piece that she shares in her story
And he was just so positive and hopeful and it just reinvigorated our excitement to try and have a baby because we were just feeling like we wouldn’t get there.
Marc Sklar:
Of course.
We conceived.
Marc Sklar:
I should mention I wasn’t just positive and hopeful because I was trying to mislead her in any way or it was a false belief. No, I was positive and hopeful because I’ve seen situations like Sarah’s before and I’ve seen the potential outcomes that could be achieved if we follow the right plan and if we address the root issues, which is exactly what she was able to do, which is why she’s about to tell you that she conceived and held onto the pregnancy the next time. So let’s listen.
I now have a nine month old baby boy. And he was great because he had some great recommendations. I went back to my OBGYN instead of seeing a mainstream fertility specialist and I said, “Marc thinks I should do X, Y, and Z.” And they’re like, “Okay, great. Let’s do it.” They were very open to prescribing me.
Marc Sklar:
It’s not always the case, but in her case, it was.
It was just easier to get it through my OB, of course. So it was just such a great experience. I would recommend anyone that feel lost in their journey to contact Marc and his team. I have a bunch of people I’ve already recommended to Marc and everyone has the same experience. There’s a different thoroughness and a different care that he provides to his patients and he truly doesn’t believe that there’s unexplained infertility. At the end of the day, if you are having trouble getting pregnant or experiencing recurrent miscarriages, something is going on. And I completely agree with him that a lot of doctors don’t dig deep enough to find what is happening and it’s not easy to experience miscarriage after miscarriage. I’m so thankful I reached out to him and I hope that anyone struggling is able to find him or a doctor like him because it makes all the difference.
Marc Sklar:
Those words from Sarah, one, I mean, I get the chills when I hear her say that because it means so much to me because this is exactly why I do what I do, because of situations like this, because of stories like this, because of Sarahs, Sarahs throughout the world. And I know what is possible for all of you, but you all need to take control of your fertility. Don’t take the unexplained answers, “There’s no reason. Don’t worry about it. You’ll get pregnant the next time,” as your path. If you don’t feel comfortable with the guidance you’re getting, if you don’t feel comfortable with the answers or lack thereof of answers that you’re getting, get the right support that you need. You deserve it just like Sarah deserved it and was able to get. What was really impactful about Sarah’s story for all of you? What did you enjoy? What questions does it bring up? Where does it get your thoughts going? I want to hear from all of you. Comment below and let me know.
If you’ve been trying for too long without answers, if you’ve had miscarriages without anybody digging deeper, if you need real guidance and support, I want you to know that me and my team, we are here for you. And you can be part of my Hope Coaching Program just like Sarah is and all the other couples that we work with throughout the world. Wherever you are in the world, we can support you through my coaching program. But you do have to apply to qualify. So if you want to see if you qualify and join the program to get the plan that you deserve, then use the link in the description below to apply. All right, I want to thank you all for watching and sticking through to the end. If you liked this video, give me a thumbs up. If you’re not already a subscriber to my channel, hopefully you realize how valuable this channel is or can be for you. So hit that belt to subscribe and get notified when I put out a new video for all of you. And until the next video, stay fertile.