It starts with the egg:
An interview with the leading expert and author, Rebecca Fett
Are you trying to improve egg quality? Have you heard of this book and are wondering if it could be the answer to your fertility problems? Check out my amazing interview with the author…
It Starts With The Egg is a profound and inspiring book written by Rebecca Fett. She uses both her own experiences and scientific research to delve deep into what egg quality is and how it affects women’s fertility.
The book offers a detailed guide to the specific strategies she used (and believes others can use) to improve her egg quality, all backed-up and supported by intensive scientific study.
I recently had the privilege of sitting down with Rebecca to interview her about her motivations behind writing the book, along with what her readers can expect to understand and gain from what’s inside.
I have no doubt that the book – now on its second edition – is an important tool for many women who wish to better understand their egg quality, so they will feel informed and empowered to make steps to improve egg quality and ovarian reserve (and inevitably empower their fertility).
Want to know how to improve your egg quality to get pregnant faster? Click here.
Rebecca’s inspiring fertility story…
Rebecca’s fertility issues started with a diagnosis of Psoriatic Arthritis in her teens. (Psoriatic Arthritis is a form of arthritis that affects people with psoriasis).
Because of this condition, Rebecca had a lot of damage to her hips and spine.
When she was in her mid-twenties and was ready to start a family, she was told by her doctors that pregnancy would be very dangerous.
The verdict was that she would probably be bed-ridden the entire time she was pregnant and may not be able to walk afterwards because her hip joints dislocate so easily. Of course this was hard for them both to hear – but after understanding the very real and possible risk of carrying a baby herself, they decided to use a surrogate to help them have a baby.
They found an amazing surrogate and really believed it should be easy from there; Rebecca was in her mid-twenties, healthy and it wasn’t expected that any more issues would arise from there.
Then Rebecca found out she had diminished Ovarian Reserve. The chance she was given to conceive using her own eggs were about 5%.
Of course, this came as a huge shock to Rebecca and her husband, and that’s when she used her scientific background to dive deep into research on ovarian reserve and egg quality.
Rebecca’s plan to address her egg quality and improve ovarian reserve
Rebecca has a degree in molecular biology and biochemistry and has spent many years reading scientific papers and writing about science.
She used this experience and understanding she had of research to spend many months reading all of the scientific studies around egg quality and ovarian reserve.
She figured out a plan for herself with 3 main components:
#01 Reduce exposure to toxins
Exposure to toxins is known to disrupt fertility. While it’s not the cause to all fertility issues, Rebecca wanted to do everything she could to improve her 5% success rate.
#02 Diet
Rebecca picked up the studies that were showing that a diet very high in carbohydrates can compromise egg quality as well as cause hormonal disruption. She used this information to reduce (but not eliminate) carbs from her diet.
She was already following an anti-inflammatory diet for her immune issues and is a big fan of the ‘mediterrean diet’.
#03 Supplements
This is what Rebecca describes as ‘the heart of the book’. She covers all three components but often readers come to really understand the benefits of all of the available supplements and how they will help with egg quality.
In the book, she writes what the studies show, what they don’t show, and why she decided on CoQ10 and Dehydroepiandrosterone for her plan to improve egg quality and ovarian reserve.
What happened next…
Rebecca gave herself time to address the issues, address her immune issues, adrenal function, hormonal imbalances and then she began her IVF cycle. (All of which she describes in her book and explains how she treated herself to prepare for an IVF cycle using her own eggs – despite the 5% statistic still looming over her).
This, of course, was a very anxious time for her and her husband – it’s never easy to be told at aged 27 your body isn’t working the way it should be and that success is close to impossible.
The early tests displayed a huge change and improvement though!
Her results were beyond belief and record setting.
The story has a very happy ending. With 2 beautiful boys a couple of years apart – both of which were formed from everything she achieved before her first round of IVF treatment.
This was her motivation behind writing the book.
She wanted to use her story to share this information with others and help them believe in their own bodies and feel empowered to help themselves even in the face of impossibility.
Want to know the details on how she turned an impossible statistic into record breaking success?
Make sure you watch the full interview to get the full story of Rebecca’s fertility, along with all of Rebecca’s answers and explanations to questions about; egg-quality, ovarian reserve, miscarriage, thyroid issues and TSH levels, and more on my interview with her on Fertility TV!
Watch the interview!