How to get pregnant with irregular periods
Can you get pregnant with irregular periods? These 4 simple tips will help you to get pregnant naturally by helping you regulate your menstrual cycle.
The normal length of a woman’s menstrual cycle is about 28 days. Irregular periods happen when your cycle lasts more than 35 days or when you experience frequent cycle-length variation.
Irregular periods can occur for a number of reasons, including as a side effect of contraception, hormonal imbalances, stress, thyroid problems, too much exercise or as a result of an underlying fertility condition.
When trying to get pregnant with irregular periods, it’s important to start tackling the issue from the foundation up. You must lay the right foundations so that you can build a home perfect for a healthy pregnancy.
If you’re trying to conceive with irregular periods, then follow these 4 natural methods so that you can get pregnant faster and finally meet your future baby.
Fertility Tip #1 – Prioritise proper nutrition
If we’re not eating right, then we’re not laying the foundation properly. It’s like leaving holes in the floor of your house and either allowing harmful things to come up through the gaps or letting important things fall through them.
You should increase the amount of fertile foods that encourage pregnancy in your diet and reduce the amount of non-organic proteins, dairy and processed foods and sugars. (And follow these 3 nutrition tips from The Fertility Expert that will help you get pregnant faster).
If you need a clear plan of what foods and meals will empower your body, you can also download The Fertility Expert’s free fertility meal plan by clicking here.
Fertility Tip #2 – Get the right amount of exercise
We all know exercise is good for you in many ways. However, too much exercise can cause irregular periods or even stop them altogether.
Getting the right amount of exercise is crucial if you want to regulate your menstrual cycle and ovulate healthily.
Exercise is magic for your body – but intense exercise can interrupt your menstrual cycle. It’s all about finding the right balance; not too much and not too little. So what is that balance? Daily exercise that gets the blood pumping, legs moving and arms working is best (an hour of walking outdoors being the most perfect form if that can be a realistic goal within your lifestyle).
Fertility Tip #3 Adopt the right mindset
Part of this tip ties into the exercise tip – getting enough exercise increases blood flow to the brain and helps you to feel more energized.
Additionally, you need to work on doing more of the things you love in life and find a balance between work and time for self-care. Reduce the time you spend on stressful, negative things. It’s not always easy, but it is always worth it.
Stress and anxiety can induce hormonal changes and cause irregular periods. Have you ever gone through a big change in your environment or a significantly stressful time and had your cycle react? Has your period come early, late or not at all as a result of it?
Your body is sensitive to these disruptions and this is reflected in your reproductive health. It’s super important, then, to learn the ways how you can control stress in order to get pregnant.
Fertility Tip #4 Seek proper guidance
Do you have the right Fertility Expert on your team? Do you have a strong support system around you; whether that comes in the form of family, friends, your partner or an online support group?
Whatever form your support system takes, the most important factor is that it’s there, that it exists and that it’s doing what it needs to do in order for you to not feel alone on your fertility journey.
I can’t stress enough the importance of having a good support system while trying to get pregnant with irregular periods because you shouldn’t have to lay your foundations alone.
If you’d like one of our Fertility Expert’s on your team, we can arrange to see if you qualify for a Hope Consultation call here. You can either book a consultation with myself or one of my experts where we will review your case and create a personal fertility plan for you and support you throughout your journey. We believe that your body is powerful and fertile, and we would love for you to believe it too.
You can also join my social media community on Facebook by clicking here, where you can connect with other women on their own fertility journey who can relate to what you’re going through.
*BONUS* Fertility Tip – Find out the areas you could use more support and guidance
Have you been trying to get pregnant for over 6 months. Do you suffer from irregular periods?
Find out what’s not letting you get pregnant with the Fertility Wheel. The Fertility Wheel is a simple exercise to help you understand the 12 areas affecting your fertility.
Your score will help you to highlight the areas in your life where you need the most support and guidance.
- The Fertility Balance Wheel is a fertility exercise is for anyone who is feeling blocked in their fertility journey, needs a new approach to fertility and is ready to do what it takes to empower their fertility naturally.
- You’ll understand what the areas in your life that need more support and focus right now
- You’ll be able to look at your body as a whole, don’t focus only in your reproductive system
- You’ll learn about the 12 areas affecting your fertility and you’ll get your fertility score for more recommendations
Here’s your chance to WIN a FREE consultation with me to:
? Have your fertility case reviewed by an expert
? Have your labs and medical assessments reviewed
? Have a personalised fertility plan created for you
My goal with this contest is to help as many women as possible get pregnant. The winner of the consultation will benefit tremendously and her life will be changed forever… but how wonderful would it be if that same fertility assessment could help hundreds of other women at the same time?
We are all in this together! Fertility struggles are real, you are not alone. By sharing your case with others you’ll be giving and receiving! Isn’t that what life is all about?
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