How eating FAT can get you pregnant – with Sally Fallon
Do you want to know if your nutrition is what is not letting you get pregnant?:
I am very excited to have Sally Fallon today for our Health Experts Interviews. We keep talking about the importance on nutrition and fertility. If you have been following me for a while, by now you have probably heard me repeating that FATS (healthy fats) are good and necessary for us. Specially when you are trying to get pregnant.
It is important to incorporate healthy fats on every meal throughout your day. Healthy fats help you stabilizing hormones, keeping sugar levels down and keeping you full until your next meal (you should be eating every 3-4 hours)
For all the information, I suggest you watch the video. Sally and I talk about the importance of animal fat and its relation with fertility.
Hope you like it!
About The Weston A, Price Foundation:
The Weston A. Price Foundation is a nonprofit, tax-exempt charity founded in 1999 to disseminate the research of nutrition pioneer Dr. Weston Price, whose studies of isolated nonindustrialized peoples established the parameters of human health and determined the optimum characteristics of human diets. Dr. Price’s research demonstrated that humans achieve perfect physical form and perfect health generation after generation only when they consume nutrient-dense whole foods and the vital fat-soluble activators found exclusively in animal fats.
The Foundation is dedicated to restoring nutrient-dense foods to the human diet through education, research and activism. It supports a number of movements that contribute to this objective including accurate nutrition instruction, organic and biodynamic farming, pasture-feeding of livestock, community-supported farms, honest and informative labeling, prepared parenting and nurturing therapies. Specific goals include establishment of universal access to clean, certified raw milk and a ban on the use of soy formula for infants. Keep reading about The Foundation here.
You can also listen to the Welcome message from Sally Fallon here.
The Fertility Balanced Wheel
The Fertility Balance Wheel is a fertility exercise is for anyone who is feeling blocked in their fertility journey, needs a new approach to fertility and is ready to do what it takes to empower their fertility naturally.The Fertility Balanced Wheel is an easy exercise you can do at home that will help you take a look at different areas in your life that are affecting your fertility.
You’ll learn about the 12 areas affecting your fertility
You’ll understand what the areas in your life that need more support and focus right now
You’ll get your fertility score for more recommendations
You’ll be able to look at your body as a whole, don’t focus only in your reproductive system
H.O.P.E Coaching
Heal naturally to Overcome infertility & get Pregnant by Empowering your body
Who is this for: Any women trying to get pregnant for +6 months
It includes: 60 minutes coaching call with Dr Sklar, The Fertility Expert
During this 1 hour online fertility consultation with Dr Sklar, or his team of natural fertility experts, you’ll get all the fertility support you need,we’ll review your case, give you recommendations and create a next steps for a personalized plan to help you get pregnant. The H.O.P.E Coaching is a 60 minutes call where we’ll go over your fertility case and give you customized recommendations, that work for YOU. Me and my team of fertility experts are here to help you improve your fertility to get pregnant.
Interview Transcript:
Marc: So today I want to welcome Sally Fallon from the Weston A. Price Foundation. Sally is the president of the Weston A. Price Foundation and I’m really excited to have her with me today to talk about diet and nutrition. This is something that we talk about quite often with our patients as we work with their reproductive health system and fertility and getting them back on track. So I’m really excited to have you here and sharing some of the knowledge that you have and some of the things that we try to instil in our patients. So thanks so much for joining us today Sally.
Sally: Oh, you’re welcome.
Marc: Yeah so, today I think one of the topics that we’re going to talk about or the main topic is the need for animal fat when we are trying to address fertility issues and the importance of how animal fat in fertility. But before we get started, for those people who don’t know about you and Weston A. Price Foundation, can you share a little bit of information about yourself and the foundation for everybody?
Sally: Oh okay. Well, I am the founding president of the foundation and people mostly know me by my book, Nourishing Traditions. But my husband and I and a few others set up the Weston Aa. Price Foundation in 1999. The purpose is to provide accurate information about nutrition. So we have no ties with industries or government and we can give people the truth. One of our most important messages is how important it is to have animal fat in the diet. They are not the villains, but they are absolutely essential for good health.
Dr. Weston Price studied traditional cultures back in the 30’s and 40’s and noted that they all had animal fat, organ meat, seafood and even things like insects and these provided three critical vitamins A, D and K which are essential for normal reproduction. So we do put a lot of emphasis on fertility, pregnancy, diet and having healthy babies. Again, it is a real big emphasis on getting back these animal fats which is hard for people to do because they have so much propaganda claiming that these things are bad for them.
Marc: Yeah, absolutely. It is something that when we start working with patients here and we start to have the conversation about fat we get this scared and sometimes wildered look on their faces.
Sally: Yeah.
Marc: “So, you want me to do what? Because I thought this was bad for me.” That’s really what they say. So speaking to that point, can you start to elaborate a little bit? It is one thing for my viewers, listeners and patients to hear me preach all the time about it, but it is nice when they hear it somebody else, especially somebody with your stature. So can you share a little bit of why the importance of fat when we’re dealing with fertility and what its role is in the body?
Sally: Okay, well first of all, I would just like to tell you a little story though for all the sceptics. There were some journals written by Calvert here in Maryland and one of the things he talked about, this is back in the 1600’s, why the Indians ever have fertility problems; they always had healthy babies. They said “Well, if we have a couple who is not getting pregnant we put them on a special diet. That diet was the bear fat diet where both husband and wife were to eat nothing but bear fat for a month. They said it always did the trick and they always get pregnant with the bear fat diet. Now, we actually had bear fat analysed for vitamin K and it is extremely high in vitamin K which is one of these critical vitamins for fertility. Vitamin A and vitamin D are also critical for fertility. For example, you cannot make sex hormones without vitamin A. so you can’t make estrogen and you can’t make testosterone without vitamin A. again, we get vitamin A from organ meats like liver, animal fats like butter and egg yolks, and certain types of seafood like cod liver oil.
Now, there was a recent study and I am sure you know about this one where they looked at women on dairy and ones who consume low-fat dairy had a lot of infertility problems compared to women who consumed high-fat dairy. So when the study came out, it was very embarrassing for the conventional view because here is this diet that they are promoting causes infertility. So what they said was if you are having trouble getting pregnant, go on the high-fat dairy and eat whole milk, cheese and ice-cream until you get pregnant and then once you’re pregnant stop eating these things. To me this is incredible. Why do you need these things to get pregnant? Doesn’t that mean you also need them to create a healthy baby?
Yeah, so the first thing we do with our moms who are trying to get pregnant, we say “Get over your health feelings about butter and eat lots and lots of butter. Eat egg yolk, take cod liver oil, cook in animal fats and eat some liver at least once per week. These are the kinds of things that we recommend to bring fertility back.
Marc: That’s great. I mean, I know how true it is and I see it all the time when I started working with patients which I love to see that transformation happen. People always feel better when they eat better.
Sally: Oh, they do. They are not depressed; they feel better and they have more energy. I like to tell the joke “How are animal fats like sex?” The answer is they both are needed for reproduction and we have very strong instincts for both. We have strong instincts for sex and we have strong instincts to consume animal fat. If you supress these instincts when children are growing up and tell them that these things are sinful or evil, they come out in pathological ways and so we end up with eating disorders, binging and splurging because they try not to eat the animal fat. I say they go on the puritanical diet and then they end up eating the pornographic foods. What we really need is something in the middle; just good and satisfying rich wholesome foods.
Marc: That’s true; absolutely true. So I see, and I don’t know if it is just because of where we live locally in the community here in San Diego; we work with a lot of patients who, whether it is for cultural reasons or religious reasons, are vegetarians; some personal, what they believe are more ethical reasons they are vegetarians. Everyone has their own view and I don’t like to tell anyone they are wrong for those sort of things. I know what I started to do, but how do you started to work with patients or individuals who are vegetarians.
Sally: I don’t work with patients. I am not a practitioner, but I am very frank.
Marc: Right, but what would you suggest?
Sally: I would suggest if you want to be a vegetarian, don’t have children. It is unfair to bring a child into the world on a vegetarian and especially a vegan diet. That child will not be healthy and it is just not fair to that child. If you want to be a vegan or vegetarian, wait until your children are grown and your family is done and then that’s fine. But when you are bringing children into the world, you need these very dense nutrient animal foods in your diet. That’s what I’d say.
Marc: Right to the point.
Sally: Okay. If someone says “Well, I can’t eat meat,” I would say whole milk, lots of cheese, lots of butter, lots of egg yolks and please take your cod liver oil and eat some nutrient dense seafood. That’s what I would say. You don’t have to absolutely have to eat meat to be healthy, but you definitely need these other foods.
Marc: Yeah, I basically try to have a real conversation with them and see if they are willing to make some changes even if it is just temporary for this portion of their life.
Sally: I mean, even in India they get to have fish when they are pregnant
Marc: Right. Yeah, and that’s the thing, where can we compromise? Can we at least have some fish and can we put in some of these healthy fats into your diet where you weren’t getting them before; maybe I’m able to get them on some liver pills at the very least. So getting the basic nutrients that you couldn’t get before.
Sally: Right.
Marc: That’s great. You primarily work through…Because you don’t work with patients; you just primarily work through the book, your Nourishing Traditions book. How else do you spread the word? What else do you do?
Sally: Well, the foundation. The Weston A. Price foundation is an educational foundation and we publish a quarterly journal and we publish a lot of materials for people, educational materials. We have a huge website. If you are new to the website, click on the right; it says “take aa tour,” and get the basics. We put on yearly conference which I think is the premier nutrition conference in the State. We have from 1000 to 1500 people. So we’re are active.
Marc: When is it this year?
Sally: This year it is in Anaheim in November 10-13 this year.
Marc: Excellent.
Sally: We also publish a shopping guide which is updated early. We brand names what we recommend. We also have a system of local that helps people find the kinds of foods that we are recommending in their area. So, if, you are looking for raw milk for example, you can click on “Find a local chapter” and find the chapter that is nearest to you.
Marc: Fantastic. Any other tips that you would like to talk about or knowledge that you would like to share when it comes to fertility and reproductive health?
Sally: Well, I think one of the most important things that Dr. Price discovered was that most of these cultures that he studied had a period of special feeding for at least six months before conception. So both man and the woman ate very nutrient dense foods; we call them sacred foods. One of the sacred foods for example was fish eggs and another sacred food was liver. That’s why we call our diet the pate and caviar diet. So, the great diet. They built up their nutritional stores so they were ready when conception occurred; everything was there for that baby to grow normally. They continued this diet during pregnancy, lactation and when the child was growing. I can tell you that the members of our foundation who have done this. These children are absolutely gorgeous. They are strong, healthy and cheerful and smarter and they meet all of their milestones. They are rarely sick. That’s something worth doing in my opinion, worth learning about and worth taking the time to really prepare nutritionally for your pregnancy.
Marc: I love that. I mean, it is one of the things that we speak to patients; this pre-conception planning, if you will. This is something that can be absolutely worked into that tome frame and also working into their dietary needs. It’s nice for patients and couples to be able to say “Okay, look our goal is to be pregnant and we want to start trying in about in 6-9 months. So let’s start preparing ourselves now so that we have an easier time later than being behind the eight ball and kind of rush things later.
Sally: Or not being prepared and then you can conceive and have problems. Just to give you one example, the heart is the first organ to form and if the body does not have enough, the mother does not have enough vitamin A stores in her body, the heart can form with a defect or does not form at all and then there is a miscarriage. You don’t even know you’re pregnant when that heart is forming. So you need to build up vitamin A beforehand so when the heart it has everything it needs. So does the other organs. They all need vitamin A to form properly. Vitamin A is in liver, butter and egg yolk and all of these foods that we are told not to eat. These are the critical foods for having a healthy baby.
Marc: Yeah absolutely. I have two boys myself and one of their favourite foods is butter. So every time we’re out, they want to eat sticks and butter and I’m like “Go ahead, I have no issue.”
Sally: We actually have a fridge …If you go on our website under children’s health, we have a diet for a pregnant and we actually also have a fridge magnet that people can put on their refrigerator with this diet.
Marc: Oh that’s wonderful. I love it. I’ll check it out and point patients in that direction. Well, Sally I really want to thank you for your time. It was short and sweet and straight to the point. All the really key information that patients need to hear to get them moving in the right direction. So, I really appreciate your time and for joining us today.
Sally: Thank you for having me.
Marc: Yeah, it’s my pleasure.
Sally: Okay.
Marc: Alright Sally, you take care. Your conference is nearby to me so it’s my plan to attend this year. It should be straight forward for me.
Sally: Oh, that would be great. Well, be sure to make yourself known to me
Marc: I will. I’ll come and say hi.
Sally: Okay.
Marc: Thanks so much. Bye.
Sally: Bye.