If you want to learn more about fish oils, its benefits and how it can benefit your fertility this video is for you.
My favorite ones are Pro Omega from Nordic Naturals. To purchase, click here. You’ll need to create an account. Use the code Fertile1 for a discount
Marc: I’m Marc Sklar, The Fertility Expert and today we’re here with Amy Pamensky our nutritionist to talk about fish oils, its benefits and how it can benefit your fertility. So Amy can you share a little bit with everybody about some key points about fish oils benefits?
Amy: Yes sure, so fish oil is an omega 3 fat and it’s very anti-inflammatory. And as we’ve talked about in some of our other videos that fats are really important for hormone balancing. Fish oils are also great for brain health; so for memory; for helping to balance blood sugar as well. So many really great benefits to fish oil supplementation.
Marc: And you know there’s different ways you can get capsules or liquid. Do you have a preference and what do you recommend?
Amy: Well I recommend liquid fish oil over capsules and there may be a few exceptions but most fish oils or I would say all fish oil supplements that I know of the capsules have a really thick gel casing around them and that can actually be really hard to digest. So even with other supplements as well if you have any digestive issues or if you just want to get the most out of your supplements a lot of times I will recommend either a powder or a liquid form. So for fish oil I would recommend liquid and for most people you probably think that’s gross but it doesn’t taste like fish oil. It’s usually mixed with an essential oil so some of them taste like more orange; some taste more like lemon and one tip that I have if you’re doing like liquid fish oil is definitely keep it in the fridge because when it’s a colder temperature it just goes down a lot easier. So for me I don’t love the flavor; actually the flavor doesn’t bother me just the texture, it’s like oil. So I usually take my fish oil and then I take a sip of my smoothie or take a bite of food and it’s completely gone. Other people really like to just put a squeeze of lemon on their tongue and the acidity helps to completely take the flavor right away.
Marc: That’s great, I’m never a good gauge for flavors and textures because if you tell me something is good for me and I have to take it and it’s just a short thing, I just down it and I don’t think much about it. So and I’m used to Chinese herbs which don’t taste very good. AndhHow about quality? Can you speak about quality? I know with all vitamins quality is essential but I think for fish oils quality is at the top of the list.
Amy: This is my number one place where I see people taking poor quality fish oils. If you’re buying your fish oil from any kind of large big name store I should mention a few but it’s from Casco and fro Ralphs or from your grocery store. Most of those are not good quality and we’re looking for is you know we want to make sure that the raw material that they’re getting the supplement from is good quality because if you’re taking a bad quality fish oil it can actually be more inflammatory. So it can be worse for your heart health; it can cause more inflammation. And if you’re taking something and paying for it, you want to make sure it’s good quality. So the other place that you get fish oil or the same benefits from if you don’t want to get a supplement or don’t want to take a supplement is you can eat wild fish. So the recommendation is a pound of wild fatty fish each week and it has to say ‘Wild’ on; if it doesn’t wild on it, then it means that it’s farmed. So that would again be the same thing as the quality of the fish oil that needs to be wild so that it’s anti- inflammatory and has the nutrient benefits of it.
Marc: Awesome, hopefully that information was beneficial for you all… I’m sure it opened up your minds to what fish oils can do and maybe the poor quality fish oil you have been consuming. So thank you Amy for sharing that information.
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