What happens when FSH is LOW? Tips to Improve FSH Levels Naturally
Transcription :
FSH going down from 90 to 1. In this video, I’ll be sharing a few easy things that you need to stop doing today because they are not helping you on your fertility journey or your egg quality. If you’re excited about this topic, then give me a thumbs up and also leave a comment to let me know, and please subscribe, because when you do that, I know that this video is a topic that you want to hear more about. So I’m going to dive deeper into this concept by covering how you can manage your caloric intake. Number two, how to have a better exercise program, and number three, how to stop with unrealistic timelines.
I’ll be sharing all the details about those three items in this video, so make sure that you stay until the end. If you are serious about improving your fertility and having a baby is something that you really want, I highly recommend that you click on the link in the description below this video to apply, to qualify, to speak to a real person on my team to see how we can best support you on your fertility journey.
Now, let’s get started with this video. Okay, number one, managing your caloric intake. For the sake of this video, what it really should say is to stop eating low-calorie diets. Stop restricting your caloric intake. We want to have a good, healthy calorie intake, and by that I mean eat more food, eat good, high-density food, and eat plenty of it. This is not the time to starve your body of nourishment and nutrients, your ovaries, your hormones, your eggs need those nutrients. That nourishment to provide the right things for your hormones to have healthy, balanced hormones.
What I historically see is that those women who calorie restrict, meaning they eat one or two meals a day or they eat three meals a day, but very low calories, they’re not eating enough food during that day, and it’s not a balanced diet, are the ones who we see or where we see their FSH levels go up and the quality of their eggs go down. Your eggs, your ovaries need to function optimally, and to do that, they need to feel that they’re safe and they’re not being starved, so we need to make sure that we are providing them with all the nutrients and nourishment that they need. Good, healthy protein and fat, good carbohydrates, lots of veggies, this is what your body needs, a good, balanced diet. This is not the time to go on a crazy keto diet, restrictive diet, or a fasting diet. There may be times here and there where that will be okay, but if we are trying to regulate your FSH levels and your egg quality and improve those, then restricting your caloric intake is not what you should be doing right now.
The number two thing. The second thing is, you need to have a better exercise program. This is not the time to do crazy, stressful exercise regimens for yourself. That’s right, and often unfortunately, I see number one and number two go hand in hand, that when we do strict caloric intake, we do fasting or we lower our calorie intake. We don’t eat regularly throughout the day. We often also are increasing our exercise regimen and doing strenuous exercise because, often, when we’re doing this, we’re trying to lose weight, we want to be mindful of our weight, and so forth. So I often see these two things go hand in hand, and what that does is compound one wrong thing with another wrong thing, which makes it worse. This puts much more stress on our body, and our nervous system puts you into a fight or flight response, and so your body responds because now it thinks it’s being starved and it’s stressed and needs to survive.
So those two things are not conducive to reproduction, having good egg qualities, and getting pregnant. So we need to back off on that. I’m not saying you shouldn’t be exercising. You absolutely should, but we need to have moderate exercise, maybe 30 to 45 minutes every day or an hour every other day, and you’re going for a good, nice, healthy walk, not walking the dog who’s smelling the roses. You’re going for a purposeful walk with a mission because you want to sweat and you want to move, but it’s in moderation and it’s realistic. On top of that, then you’re also making sure that you’re staying hydrated, that you’re eating well, that you’re nourishing your body. All of those things send the right signal to your ovaries and to your eggs that this is the right time to reproduce, that we’re going to produce good quality-eggs, and we’re going to have balanced hormones.
Okay, number three, stop with the unrealistic timelines. What do I really mean by that? You all are looking for changes in your FSH and your egg quality, and you want to see all of those changes at the snap of a finger. You expect to see those changes quickly, and odds are it took some time to get to the place you are today. Whether your FSH is too high, your egg quality is not ideal, or whatever other circumstances are around, those things didn’t happen overnight, which means the changes that you want to see are also not going to happen overnight. They’re going to take time, and you need to be patient with yourself and give yourself that space and that time to make the change and see the results that you want. That means it might take three months or more. It might take four months, five months, or six months. Give yourself the space that you need to be patient with yourself, to trust your body, to trust the process, to get the results that you want and deserve.
By being patient with yourself, you’re also being kinder to yourself. You’re being realistic with yourself, so it’s important that you start to give that space so that you can see those changes. Now, would I love to see those changes happen in two or three months? Absolutely. I’m not suggesting that we shouldn’t see some changes in that timeframe, but you might not see all the change that you want, and you need to be patient with yourself and kind to yourself to allow yourself to make the necessary changes and address steps one and two that I mentioned in this video, along with so many other things that you’re going to be doing to get the results that you deserve.
All right, I want to hear from you now, what was impactful to you about this video, and more importantly, what questions do you have about the subject that I just mentioned? Do you have questions about caloric intake, exercise, timelines, and being patient with yourself? Do you have other questions about your fertility? Comment below and let me know. I want to hear from you, and I want to know your fertility questions so that I can support you even more. So make sure to leave your questions and comments below.
If you want to really go deep into your fertility, find the root cause that’s not letting you get pregnant, then be sure to fill out the application using the link in the description below this video so that you can speak to a real member on my team so that we can identify if we are the right next step for you and if you are a good fit to join My Hope Fertility Coaching Program. I’m also going to leave you with a story of hope. She improved her AMH and was able to get pregnant naturally even after she was told that she needed IVF. I think this story is going to be inspiring to all of you, so check it out as well. Until the next video, stay fertile.