Getting Pregnant At 40 Naturally With Your Eggs
Transcription :
Yes, getting pregnant over 40 is possible. And yes, you can do it with your own eggs. And yes, it is possible to do it naturally without IVF. Now that we’re clear on that, I want to make sure you watch this video in full, because I’m going to talk to you about the details about what it takes to get pregnant over 40 with your own eggs and what I do with the women that I coach so that you can do it too. This is especially for all of you who’ve been told that you need to use donor egg, you can do it too with your own eggs if you want to and if we have the right plan for you. Remember, you can apply to qualify to join one of my fertility programs to have me and my team as your coaches, so that we can help you get pregnant as well. If you want that information, then you can apply by using the link below in the description. Hi, my name is Dr. Marc Sklar, also known as the fertility expert. That’s what we do right here on Fertility TV, we talk about fertility.
I’ve been doing this for over 18 years, helping women just like you through my online programs and right here in San Diego with my clinics. In this video, I want to address two key points. Number one, what do you do if you’ve been told that your only option is donor egg? Basically, if the big bomb of donor egg has been dropped on you, where do you go from here? And number two, AMH: Why you need it, why you need to get it tested, and what you need to do to improve it. Let’s get into it. Egg donor. Before we get into that, let me share with you that I often hear from the women that are in my programs, that they feel like the medical system doesn’t care about them, that they feel like they’re being pushed into doing donor cycles, because they feel like they’re just a statistic and that the clinics that they work with are really focused on their statistics and their numbers rather than the actual person in front of them and their fertility needs. That may or may not be the case.
I’d like to think that the clinics that you’re working with and the physicians you’re working with really are looking out for your best interests at heart when they make these recommendations. But I also want to say to all of you that I don’t believe that there’s anything wrong with using a donor egg or going through IVF at all. Even though my preference is to do things naturally, half of the women that work with me in my coaching programs are going through IVF in some fashion. And a portion of those are considering donor egg, or have already started to begin to use the process of donor egg. So there’s really nothing wrong with that. I don’t want any of you to feel ashamed if that’s the path you’ve chosen, it’s a good path when it’s necessary and it’s the right path if that’s what you need. There certainly is a place for both donor egg cycles and IVF. But before any of you move in that direction and start going down that road, I want to make sure you really need it.
That you’ve exhausted all the avenues available to you, and that you’ve really looked for real answers to get real results before you move down that road, if that is the path that you end up going down. Let’s make sure that you have at least the tools you need to advocate for yourself properly and/or the right tools to make the right plan to get different results so that you can get pregnant naturally or with your own eggs, if that’s available to you. I’ve got my computer here because I always take notes here. I don’t like to remember anything in my brain if I don’t have to, and I want to be able to focus on all of you. So I’ve got all my notes right here. So if you see me look down, that is why. But before I start to go into some of the information I want to share with you, I do want to ask all of you first and foremost comment below if you’ve already started to go down the road of donor egg. And two, comment below if you’ve been told you need to go down the road of donor egg.
I can’t tell you how many of the women that I work with have been told that they need donor egg, they start down that path simultaneously as we are making changes in their health and their overall reproductive function. And lo and behold, they get pregnant with their own eggs right before they start to go down that donor egg cycle. I wish that for all of you. As I start to evaluate this exact question with those women that I work with in my programs, these are the exact questions that we discuss and then I want you to start to contemplate. First and foremost, do you ovulate? Do you have a regular cycle and ovulate regularly, and have a good menstrual bleed? These are key things that let me know that your cycles are regular. That if you’re operating naturally on your own, you can theoretically get pregnant and you still have a chance to use your own eggs. Number three is, have you tested all your hormones? Have you done your FSH? Your DHEA? Estradiol?
Have you looked at all the hormones that might be impacting your fertility and reproductive function, but your entire endocrine system? This is one of the key things as you’ve all probably heard me say before, that I find not to be the case. That you have not had all the right testing done, especially when it comes to your hormones, to really understand what’s going on with your body properly so that you know how to move forward. If you want more information on what are the right tests that you need to be doing for your fertility, then I have already created some of those videos. You can check them out right over here. All right. The next question that you need to ask yourself and start to dig deeper on is, have you done everything that you can do to make a change in your body and your fertility and reproductive function? Have you really done everything that you need to do? Because I bet you, all of you could be doing a little bit more.
I don’t say this to add more stress in any way, but I do think that we’re capable of achieving more, of accomplishing more, of changing more? Are you doing everything you need to be doing with your diet? With your lifestyle? With your environment? With the supplement plan that you have? With incorporating home therapies and acupuncture, and anything else that we think could be the key that opens the door for you? Have you done it all and have you really given that an opportunity and time to make the proper changes and the proper results? Have you talked with other fertility specialists? Whether they are approaching things from a natural perspective, or if you’ve already been down conventional IVF route, have you reached out to other IVF specialists who approach things differently, who are a little bit outside the norm or the normal conventional IVF box? That’s not always the easiest thing to find, but we want to speak to others who have a different perspective, a different understanding of what you might be able to achieve.
Because if we always get our second opinion or third opinion from someone who has the exact same perspective as the last, then you’re just going to hear the same thing. We need to have a well-rounded approach and well-rounded opinion so that you could make the most informed decision for yourself. Coming back to testing, have you done all the necessary testing? This goes well beyond just the basics, the preliminary testing to get you the results that you need. This goes beyond FSH, AMH, LH, estradiol. It goes beyond an HSG, it goes beyond a semen analysis. But with all that being said, I can’t tell you how many of you have probably not had those basic tests done. So first and foremost, make sure you get all the basic testing done as I mentioned previously. But have you looked to see if there’s any other system or health issue that might be impacting and affecting your fertility? This is what it really takes to dive deeper, to really see if your body has the opportunity … and I believe that it does, to get you the results that you’re looking for.
And have you had somebody else look at your lab results to make sure that the reading that you first were told about is accurate? That I don’t think any of you should just be taking for granted that all your labs look normal, everything looks fine. You want someone to look at those to really make sure that they look normal, to really make sure that everything looks fine. That’s also part of a second opinion. That’s part of some other physician looking at your labs to give you a second opinion on your results to make sure that what you were told previously is actually accurate, because that’s not always the case. Like I said earlier on in this video, I’m not opposed to donor egg, I’m not opposed to IVF. I think there’s a place for both and you might be a perfect candidate for it.
But if you haven’t been able to answer all those questions I just laid out, if you haven’t given yourself a fair chance, if you haven’t made the necessary changes and given that time to see the results, then I’m going to question if moving down that road for you is the right path. I believe that all of you should be questioning that too if you haven’t already done the things that I just laid out for you. Now, that doesn’t answer what you should be doing if you were told to do donor egg. It doesn’t mean like, Oh, “I’ve been told donor egg and where do I go from here? How do I make that a successful cycle?” If you’re already committed to doing a donor egg cycle and you want to make sure it’s as successful as possible, the first thing that you need to do is make sure you choose the right donor. The second thing you need to do is make sure that the sperm are healthy and in order.
And then the third thing you need to do is make sure that your uterus and endometrium are as healthy as they can be and ready for implantation when that transfer happens into your uterus. Those things are necessary things once you’ve already moved down the donor egg path. But I believe that many of you who have been told to do donor egg need to take a step back, reevaluate what you’ve been doing, get the right answers to make a good plan for yourself, to make the right changes for yourself, to hopefully give you a chance to conceive naturally with your own eggs. Since we were just talking about testing, I’m going to go to point two. But before I do that, if you’re finding the information I’m sharing in this video useful and helpful for you, please leave a comment below. Let me know that so that I know that I should be creating more videos like this for all of you.
We were just talking about testing and my second point is about testing your AMH levels, which is something I often get questions about, and something many of you are often worried about or concerned about. Well, AMH is something I discuss with almost if not all the members of my fertility programs, because it’s something we need to understand better for each one of you and each one of them, so that you can make a proper plan for how to move forward. But what is AMH? Why is it important? And how do we improve it? These are some key questions that I want to answer right now for you. Starting with the first question, which is what is AMH? AMH is anti-mullerian hormone, that’s what it’s short for. AMH stands for anti-mullerian hormone. Anti-mullerian hormone is a marker for ovarian reserve. What is ovarian reserve? It basically means it’s a marker to tell you how many eggs you have left to be used, that you can use to get pregnant. That’s basically what it tells us. Well, if that is a marker for how many eggs do we have left, can it really be improved?
I mean, we’ve all been taught from a very young age that women are born with all the eggs they have that can never be changed, that number only goes down as women age. So with that, how can AMH be improved? Well, I’m not convinced, first and foremost, that AMH is the most accurate test out there. It doesn’t mean I don’t think you all should have it tested, and it doesn’t mean that I don’t think it’s a valuable test. I do. It just means I don’t think it’s the most accurate and we need to be careful about putting all of our eggs … no pun intended truly, in that AMH basket. It’s one variable in the bigger picture that we are assessing, having to do with your fertility. If that is the only variable that is off and everything else looks normal, that might not be as important to me. If that is low and we have all these other variables and hormones that are compromised, then yes, it’s all comes together into one picture.
So just because you may have been told you have low AMH, but everything else is okay, doesn’t necessarily mean that you need to start worrying and freaking out. I know that you’re worrying and freaking out if you’ve been told that, and I don’t want you to. AMH is important, but it’s not the end all be all, and there are many variables at play that may affect that number. Some of the variables that impact AMH is vitamin D levels and stress. But actually the one that I want to talk about first is the lab. I can’t tell you how often I see a big discrepancy in AMH numbers or results based on the lab that some of you go to. If you do AMH at one lab and then go to another lab or a third lab to have it done, you all can have different results.
The first and most important thing that I recommend for all of you is that you try to keep the lab that you use for your AMH testing the same so that we have a consistent baseline, and that we don’t have to modify our results based on the lab that you’re using. Also, I just don’t think that AMH is a reliable number, I think there’s a lot of things that impact its result. And like I mentioned previously, two of them are D3 … your vitamin D, and your stress levels. We do know that vitamin D impact your AMH levels. And that if your vitamin D is low and you also get a low AMH level, there’s often a correlation there. I would suggest that you add in some vitamin D, make sure that your vitamin D levels are rising, then retest your AMH to see was it impacting your levels? And then the last one is stress. Stress affects everything. I can’t tell you how many of you are impacted by it, and how many of you are seeing lower AMH levels because of higher stress levels.
Your body is trying to protect itself when it’s under stress, and one of the things it does is protect it’s ovarian reserve. I see this all the time. So if you’re under a lot of stress, your body’s going to close down that little treasure box and save it so that you are not wasting eggs that may not be able to be used. I often find that if we regulate your stress levels, manage your adrenal function, support vitamin D levels, that we can also see your AMH levels rise. So don’t get overly concerned about these AMH levels. Take a step back, make sure you’re using the right lab to have it tested. And then make sure you are looking at other variables that might be impacting not only your AMH, but your overall fertility and health. So can it be improved? I wholeheartedly believe that it can. Will it? That will only be time will tell us. We don’t know if it will be improved in all of you, but we hope that it can be.
We need to give it the right effort to see that change and then give it the time so that when we go to retest it, we know that we’ve given it our all, and we know if it was an accurate number or not. That’s where testing consistently comes in and putting in the right effort on your part. I’ve already given you some things that you can start to do to impact your AMH levels like vitamin D, and managing your stress levels properly, and making sure that you’re doing it at a proper lab and the same lab for consistency purposes. There are potentially other things that you can and should be doing to improve your AMH, and ovarian reserve, and egg quality so that you don’t have to use an egg donor. But a lot of that will depend on each one of you individually, and your individual needs, your medical history and findings. That’s where you all deserve to have somebody who helps you dive deeper to figure that out. If you need my personal help, then I want you to apply to qualify for my fertility program.
You can use the link in the description below to check that out. I help women from all over the world and I can help you too. And if you qualify, my team will reach out to you to get you scheduled and enrolled in my fertility program. It’s in that program where you will have direct access to me and my team so that we can coach you on your fertility journey. To get your personalized fertility plan and support, I want you to just use the link in the description below to see if you qualify. If you want more videos to help you get pregnant if you’re 35 and older, then I’m going to leave some of those videos right here and link them into the description below. If you found this video helpful, please give it a thumbs up and leave a comment below so that other women just like you can find this video easily and I can help them as well.
If you’re not already a subscriber to my YouTube channel, you should be so that you can get notified when I put out a new video for you. Make sure you subscribe by hitting that bell. And until the next video, stay fertile.