Fertility Anti-aging | Does NMN improve FERTILITY? [Expert Opinion]
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If you’re like many of the members of my Hope Fertility coaching program, before they join my program, you’re looking for the latest diet, the best supplement, the greatest lifestyle hack to improve your fertility and help you get pregnant. And that’s probably why you’ve stumbled across this video as well, because you’re looking for information on how NMN might potentially benefit you on your fertility journey.
NMN is a vitamin B3 derivative, which has gained a lot of popularity and use over the last several years. NMN Bio is a UK based supplement company that approached me about sponsoring this video to help educate all of my followers on NMN. And I thought it was a wonderful idea because so many of you have reached out to me asking for help to understand why NMN can be beneficial and what the best NMN product is. So we’re going to dive into that today in this video.
Mine name is Dr. Marc Sklar, also known as the fertility expert, and welcome to FertilityTV, your YouTube channel dedicated to helping you get pregnant. I’ve been working with couples for over 18 years through my online coaching programs and right here in San Diego at both of my fertility clinics. And a common question that always gets asked is about how can we improve egg quality? How can I reverse the aging process on my fertility and my cells? Well, we’re going to talk a little bit about that and how NMN can support that potentially for you in this video.
So as we dive in right now into NMN anti-aging reproductive medicine and how it can benefit you on your fertility journey and improve your egg quality, we need to understand what NMN is, how it works and how it works in the body for reproductive function. So there are many research studies coming out right now about the benefits of NMN for all sorts of aging related conditions. But I want to focus our attention specifically on how that research can be translated and incorporated into fertility and improving egg quality. So that’s what we’re going to focus on in this video, as we talk about NMN and some of its other derivatives.
NMN boosts NAD+, that’s N-A-D with a plus sign after it, which is a key regulator and human metabolism. It does other processes and supports other functions in the body as well. It serves as fuel for our longevity proteins and these regulate essential cellular processes such as DNA repair and mitochondrial function. And it’s because of its ability to support DNA repair and mitochondrial function that we see such diverse benefits from the use of NMN. And if you’ve watched any of my previous videos on reproductive anti-aging or other benefits for egg quality in ovarian reserve, then you’ve heard me talk about mitochondrial function often. And so if we can find a supplement, a nutrient, that can help support mitochondrial function, then we can also inherently support our ability to produce more eggs and better quality eggs.
Our levels of NAD+ decrease as we age, which is very common with a lot of other nutrients that decrease as we age like CoQ10. So if we can support our longevity and improve our NAD+, then NMN becomes a great nutrient to supplement that process. A common confusion that begins to happen when we start talking about NMN is that we interchange NMN and NAD+ together and it would make sense because NAD+ is what we’re trying to increase, but we often see that instead of taking NMN, we have individuals who reach out to us saying that we’re taking NAD. Well, it’s a common mistake, but here’s the reason why we don’t want to take NAD+. And there are several.
First and foremost is that NAD+ is a large molecule, so it’s really difficult for your body to absorb it. NMN is a smaller molecule, it’s also the precursor to NAD+. So if we can give the body the precursor and it’s more absorbable for the body, then we’re going to allow the body to create more NAD+ in return. It makes logical sense that we would skip that step and just take NAD+, but what we have seen, and this is the second reason not to take NAD+ instead of NMN, is that what we’ve seen is that NAD+ doesn’t give us the same results as taking NMN.
It’s more difficult to metabolize and the research around NAD+ is really it doesn’t show that we get the same benefits as when we take NMN and this is specific when we’re looking at reproductive function and fertility. The research is very positive for NMN, but not for NAD+. For all of you who are out there taking NAD, I encourage you to think twice about that and start to switch and take the precursor, NMN, because of this.
Now NMN is going to have all sorts of other benefits as well, besides the support mitochondrial function and anti-aging, especially when it comes to your egg quality. And I’m going to get into a little bit more of the research as it relates specifically to fertility in just a moment, but some other key benefits is that you’re going to have a better sense of wellbeing, more energy, better focus, more stability with your insulin levels as well and so there’s many additional benefits to taking NMN as part of your regular supplement regimen, especially when we’re looking at supporting egg quality and ovarian health.
So what does the research specifically say about NMN and fertility? Well, there’s not a lot of research and there is no human research specifically on using NMN to support fertility, but there is a small amount of research around using NMN with mice to support and improve their reproductive function and so that’s what we’re going to look at. The research was specifically looking at low dose supplementation of NMN to improve fertility outcomes. And specifically what the research was looking at was boosting NAD+ levels in the oocyte, right? The oocyte is the follicle, which houses the egg inside that you’re going to ovulate out during ovulation, or that’s going to be retrieved during an IVF procedure. The researchers hypothesized that if they’re able to increase the NAD+ levels in the oocyte, they can increase fertility success rates as well. And that is exactly what the researchers found, that when they supplemented with NAD+ in the mice’s water for four weeks, that they were able to measure a significant increase in NAD+ levels in the oocyte of the reproductive system of these mice, as compared to prior to supplementation with NMN.
Now, I specifically started to mention when I was discussing this research that we were using low dose NMN. And so what these researchers did was they took two groups of mice. They took one group where they gave a very low level of NMN in their water and they took another group and they gave three times more that amount in their water. And what they started to notice was that the group that received the higher amount of NMN did not see a significant change and benefit in their NAD+ levels in their oocytes as compared to the group that received the three times lower amount, the low dose. And so what they were able to recognize is that more is not always better, that sometimes we actually need less and the body just needs a little extra boost, a little bit more support, so that it can start to create own NAD+ in the body. And so just a small amount of NMN supplementation in the water was the appropriate dosage to see the benefits of NAD+ levels increasing in the oocytes of these female mice.
So this next part of the research, I want to read exactly the way it was written from the research study description, because I don’t want to lose anything in translation. And I think this is going to be a really important piece to understand. So I’m going to read directly what it said for all of you, okay? When the oocytes of the mice, again, we talked about what oocytes, those are the immature eggs, so when the oocytes of the mice received IVF plus NMN water for two, seven, 14, and 28 days, a longer treatment of NMN led to improved inner cell mass size, which is linked to improved fertility outcomes after IVF. So that inner cell mass size is what we want and what they realize is that the longer application of NMN, so if you took it for longer days, not two days, but actually at least 28 days in this case, right, they tested it at different intervals, that they saw an increase in inner cell mass, which is really important when we’re talking about IVF success rates and outcomes.
So that’s a big piece of it, right? So they gave it for two days, they didn’t really see much of a difference, but the longer that they gave the supplementation of NMN, they were actually able to see an improved inner cell mass size, which makes a significant difference in an IVF procedure. And we’re going to continue.
Similarly, IVF was performed using in vivo oocytes from 12-month-old or four-week-old female mice and the embryos were then cultured with or without NMN. After supplementation with NMN the embryos from the oocytes of the older mice had improved blastocyst formation, so that means that the embryos were able to grow to a more mature size, which is what’s called a blastocyst, but the younger mice did not see similar benefits. So this improvement in embryo development solely in the aging mice suggests that NMN supplementation during IVF in younger years, right, so if we’re younger and going through IVF, may not provide the same therapeutic benefits likely because NAD+ levels have not yet declined. So this is really important. Remember, I always talk about what is necessary for you as an individual.
Someone with poor IVF response or lower egg quality, and is of a younger age will not benefit in the same way from NMN supplementation, as a woman who is older and also has the same issues with their fertility because the NAD levels haven’t started to decline. So there is no one size fits all for all of us. We need to understand what our needs are and there’s a lot of variables at play when we’re making that decision to determine what supplements each one of us should be taking.
So what does this mean for all of you watching? Should you, or shouldn’t you use NMN? Is it the right choice for you and at what dosage? Well, these are all very important questions. First and foremost, we have to look at our age individually. How old are we? Are we considered advanced maternal age? And if so, then NMN may be an appropriate supplementation for you as part of your fertility regimen. But if you’re younger and having egg quality issues, then this really might not be the best choice for you.
Two, what are your levels of NAD+? That actually can be tested if you want to, but I don’t really think that’s absolutely necessary. If you’re of a slightly older age, if your egg quality and ovarian reserve production is decreasing and you want a little additional support to boost that up, then I do think NMN could be an appropriate supplement for you, but it’s also about dosage. These large dosage amounts that we see constantly, and I see thousand milligrams or more being given per day, I think are excessive amounts NMN dosaging When it comes to humans. We have seen through the research that I just mentioned that we want low level support, right? We want low dose support to improve our fertility and so I don’t recommend anything over 250 milligrams per day at the moment, unless we get new research that changes that.
So if you want more information on NMN and some of the best NMN products around, then my suggestion is that you check out a NMN Bio. You can use the link in the description below to learn more about them and their products.
That was a lot of information. Hopefully you all were able to digest it all. If not, you could just watch the video again and pick up all the details you missed.
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