Candida, Gut Health and Fertility
Today I am opening the door and inviting you into my own personal health journey! Nope, it’s not about my fertility journey, although when my wife and I decided to have kids we weren’t the one try success stories you hear about. My journey began when I was approaching 11 years old and the book is not done being written.
If you have heard anything about my personal health journey you know that I have struggled and managed my own digestive issues for most of my life. I often joke that I have every -itis associated with digestive tract possible. I’m being a little extreme here but like all of us who struggle with health issues, whether you have every -itis or not, it feels like you do when your in it.
It’s how I became interested in natural health and healing… conventional medicine was not helping me and they often told me they did not know what was causing my pain. I know this sound familiar to many of you. Over the years I had many different treatments:
Meds, herbs, acupuncture, supplements, diet changes, stress management, diet changes, supplements, acupuncture, chiropractic, diet changes, …
You get the point.
I hated feeling this way and I wanted it to end. For many years Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs were my golden elixir. I felt great. My energy returned, my pain and digestive issues for few and far between. I was king of my mountain!
My wife and I had our boys and that’s when things began to shift again. I was working a lot, sleep deprived, stress levels were rising, my diet was not great (I slip from time to time as well) and I felt like my body was becoming a chemistry experiment. But the explosion just had not happened yet.
So we take a family trip to portland to get some R&R and visit the beautiful northwest. On this trip I was playing around with my son Elijah when his head bumped my lip – I thought nothing of it…. Until!
Yep, the chem lab had its first explosion and my lip turned into a big sausage! I will spare you the pictures ( and I have them). To me it seemed so strange that this little bump, which had happened many times in the past would cause this reaction. This was just the first episode. For the next year I would have these random swelling migrate all over my body. It peaked when my throat swelled and I thought it was going to close up. Scary right!
Something seemed odd and in my gut (no pun intended), I knew this was all about my gut.
I don’t believe in treating myself, the healer needs his own healer from time to time and I definitely needed someone now.
This is where my good friend Christa steps in.
Before Christa became the international health sensation that she is, she was my nutritionist. Yep, I was lucky enough to have her right here in San Diego. Christa and I had co-treated many patients up to this point so I reached out and asked her if she could work with me. I was lucky that she accepted; I’m not sure I would have let her say no
Well… what do you think she found?
Did you know that your chronic symptoms of fatigue, joint pain, digestive issues, memory loss, brain fog, autoimmune disease, insomnia, INFERTILITY and depression can be caused by a pathogen imbalance in your gut?
Did you know that Candida and Estrogen Dominance are linked?
Did you know that Candida can lower your Progesterone levels?
Did you know that when your hormones aren’t balanced this can lead to Endometriosis, Fibroids, Cysts and even fertility struggles?
Thankfully, Christa developed a very specific process that can slash chronic inflammation, balance the pathogens causing your symptoms, and re-educate your immune system by healing your gut (which researchers believe is responsible for 70% of your immune function and inflammatory response).
I had been treating many women with candida over the years with mixed results. Candida, Digestive Issues, Hormones, Fertility – they are all connected and so it was natural for me to see this over the years. Every time it came up in conversation with a patient I always thought to myself “maybe this was what I had.” Christa confirmed it.
She put me on what she now calls “Kick Candida for Good” protocol and it was life changing. So it took me a good 4-6 months, I try to forget how long it went on, but I didn’t care because I felt great.
About a year later Christa closed her doors and went completely virtual. That’s when she refined her candida protocol into what it is today.
And because we are both here in San Diego we decided to host a LIVE ( Yep, Facebook and Instagram) event to teach you all about her protocol Kick Candida for Good and regain control of your hormones. CLICK HERE TO WATCH IT
Fatigue . . . Do you hit a wall at 3pm every afternoon? Bloating . . . Are certain foods and meals causing you to be uncomfortable? IBS . . . Are your stools inconsistent and creating episodes of diarrhea and/or constipation? Stubborn weight loss . . . Regardless of what you eat and what you do, are you still experiencing resistance? Anxiety and depression . . . Are you now or have you considered going on medication at some point because you’re concerned about your mood and anxiety? Persistent yeast or sinus infections . . . Does your immune system seem off?
Kick Candida for Good program developed from over a decade of experience. She will cover how to test for candida, what foods and medications cause candida, and how to permanently ease digestion so you can have more energy, balanced hormones, and a happy gut . You never have to say goodbye to your energy, clarity of mind, and mobility. The power lies in your own body.
Her 5 Step program has helped people with all types of GI issues and inflammatory challenges. It’s a groundbreaking strategy I believe in and want more people to know about so they can truly heal.
And – it’s not based on unproven or untested theories. Christa is a credentialed clinician who’s worked 1-on-1 with over a thousand clients who were taught how to heal their gut and rebalance their flora.
Working with so many clients with viruses, parasites, worms, Candida, autoimmune conditions, neurological and brain issues, Christa came to realize that it’s NOT about the disease or the disorder or the bacteria or the virus, AT ALL.
It’s about the health of the gut (the environment that those things live in). If the gut is healthy, then these other issues cannot grow or survive.
It’s NOT about attacking the symptom or the problem, whether it is weight gain, insomnia, bloating, H. Pylori, Lyme, Epstein-Barr, or thyroid issues.
It’s about healing the source of the problem and bringing ourselves into harmony with our microbial world.
Looking for more guidance during your fertility journey? Talk to a Fertility Expert and sign up for our weekly fertility tips!
Talk with The Fertility Expert’s Team
Our mission is to help you address the root cause of your fertility problems, empower your body to its maximum health so you can get pregnant naturally. If you’ve been trying with no success and want fertility help and answers on how to get pregnant, the Hope Coaching is the next step.
During this 1-hour online fertility consultation, you’ll get all the fertility support you need, we’ll review your case, give you recommendations and create a next steps for a personalized plan to help you get pregnant The H.O.P.ECoaching is the next step to make sure your fertility journey is going towards a healthy pregnancy. 60 minutes can mean the difference on how long it takes for you to hold your dreamed baby. No matter where you live (our programs are virtual), how long you’ve been trying or your fertility condition, we’re here for you.
If you’ve been trying for quite some time with no results, are tired of seeing doctors with no answers, but are not ready to quit on your body and your fertility, we’ll be your “fertility detectives”. During the HOPE Coaching call we’ll find answers to your fertility problems and study the next steps in your fertility journey.
If you started trying some months ago, but need guidance, want a holistic approach to fertility and are ready to empower your fertility in a natural way, the HOPE coaching call will give you the help you need to eliminate any blockages so you can start seeing results and feel EMPOWER, fertile and baby ready.
If you are thinking about getting pregnant and want to know how to get your body ready, empower your fertility in a natural way following our holistic fertility approach so you can get pregnant fast avoiding IVF.
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