Trying to get Pregnant during Coronavirus
Dr. Marc Sklar:
So with this new COVID-19 Coronavirus coming around, all of our lives are affected. If you want to know how it affects your fertility and your reproductive health, then keep watching. Before we begin this video, I want to quickly announce that to celebrate the hundred thousand subscribers, I’m doing a live where I’m talking about my five favorite fertility supplements for 2020. Click the link below to register for this live masterclass where I’m going to share my fertility supplement protocol with you.
Dr. Marc Sklar:
Hi, I’m Dr. Marc Sklar, fertility expert, and I work with couples from all over the world to help you get pregnant naturally. If you’re not a subscriber to my YouTube channel, then you need to be so that I can help you too, just hit the bell to subscribe. So now let’s get into the details that relate to the Corona or COVID-19 virus that we’re all scared of these days and everyone’s trying to protect themselves from and how it relates to your fertility and reproductive health and what you can do to protect yourself and all the details around it.
Dr. Marc Sklar:
So, first and foremost, the big thing and why everyone is asking you to distance yourself socially, to stay clean and to isolate yourself from those who are affected is primarily because we’re trying to flatten the curve, right? That the higher the spike, I’m sure you’ve all heard this already in recent days, but the more we stay socially active and engage with one another, the higher that curve is going to be in terms of infected individuals.
Dr. Marc Sklar:
And the problem that that causes is that it causes a strain on our medical system and hospitals because they are not equipped to deal with and handle the volume of people that need proper medical care. So, if we can reserve the hospitals in all the severe medical treatment for those who really need it, then that’s ideal. And the way to do that is to flatten the curve as they’re saying, reduce infection and spread and distance ourselves from others so that all of us who are healthy can stay healthy and not have to be around those who are sick or those who have mild infections can you do that in the comfort of their home and not have to burden the hospital system with that.
Dr. Marc Sklar:
So, that’s why we’re trying to flatten the curve. Now, as it relates to all of you, and sorry if I’m looking down, I’ve got my computer here that has my notes, so periodically you’ll see me look down. But as it relates to all of you watching with regards to your fertility and reproductive health, what does that mean for your fertility?
Dr. Marc Sklar:
Well, right now we have limited information about the effects of the coronavirus on fertility and reproductive health. We do have some information based on previous Corona viruses. So, this is called COVID-19, there are other Corona viruses in the same family and so we are making assumptions based on those other viruses. Even though this one’s different, we’re trying to learn from those and then as we learn more information from this one, this will be updated and I’ll hopefully put out another video with more information as we gather more information about it and how it affects you.
Dr. Marc Sklar:
Interestingly enough as I was sitting down to record this, I took a moment and just checked my email and I already had an update that I had to change in here to update all of you and that’s how quickly things are changing. So, I’m recording this on the 14th of March and we might have more updates by the time this is actually released to all of you in a few days.
Dr. Marc Sklar:
So first and foremost, I want to read to you, I’m going to read it pretty much word for word what ASRM, the American Society for Reproductive Medicine released yesterday. So this is their suggestions and information that they released yesterday to the medical professional community. And so they said, obviously I’ll spare you on some of this obviously as the spreads were all concerned and so on. Basically what they said is currently very little is known about the impact of COVID-19 on reproduction and pregnancy.
Dr. Marc Sklar:
There are reports of women who have tested positive for COVID-19 delivering babies free of the disease. This data is reassuring but must be interpreted with caution given the small numbers, which is what I was saying before. Other forms of Coronavirus three and four, remember I said previously that this is a family, Coronavirus is a family and this is a virus within that family, have been linked to increased adverse outcomes during pregnancy, but data specific to COVID-19 is not yet available.
Dr. Marc Sklar:
It should be emphasized however that the Corona viruses are unrelated to Zika. There was that Zika scare years ago, which had very clear implications on pregnancy and fetal development. Given the information we do have, well, it would be wise for individuals with confirmed or presumed COVID-19 infection to avoid pregnancy. There appears to be no cause for alarm with those already pregnant.
Dr. Marc Sklar:
But they go on to say that if you are going through an IVF cycle right now that maybe right now is not the time to do a transfer of the embryo, but they do feel like it’s safe to go through a retrieval cycle and fertilize and freeze those embryos and wait. So, that’s the information that was released yesterday, March 13th from ASRM.
Dr. Marc Sklar:
Now, what we do know as a recap from that and then I’m going to expand just a little bit based on that email I just received is that there is a low transfer rate from mom to fetus, right? So we’re not very concerned currently that the virus will spread from the mom to the baby in utero. If you are pregnant, the potential concern is with your health and your respiratory function and you are more prone to infection when you are pregnant. So we do recommend that you do isolate yourself, be conservative in how you interact with those around you. And like it said in the ASRM statement that this is based on information that we’ve already gathered from previous corona viruses, not necessarily this one. And it doesn’t seem that the virus is passing to the fetus.
Dr. Marc Sklar:
However, and this is the email I just got, there is one report out of England currently as of a couple of hours ago that there was a mom who came in to deliver at the hospital. They did test her previously to delivery for the COVID-19 virus and she came up positive. They found that out after she delivered and so they tested the baby after delivery and now the baby has come back positive for the Coronavirus as well.
Dr. Marc Sklar:
What is confusing and what we don’t know is that two doctors within the same delivery room also were tested and came back positive, and they were tested because the patient was tested and they came out positive. So what we don’t know is if that baby contracted the virus from the mom in utero prior to delivery or if it was contracted very quickly shortly thereafter from one of the physicians or some other manner or even through the birthing canal.
Dr. Marc Sklar:
So we just don’t know enough information about this which brings caution, right? It brings some concern. What you should be doing if you are currently pregnant is reaching out to your OB to discuss your options, to discuss everybody being prepared and ready and possible testing. Right? What this means for all of us who are trying to conceive right now because that would be my question as well. What do I do?
Dr. Marc Sklar:
As the report from ASRM just said that if you are in the fertility process and the IVF process that maybe this is the time to freeze your embryos, not the time to transfer your embryos. But you should consult with your current REI or reproductive endocrinologist to help guide you in that situation.
Dr. Marc Sklar:
My recommendation to patients is to proceed with caution. I would also say that those of you who are immune compromised and have a previous medical history of any respiratory issues, you might also scale back right now and wait before you transfer an embryo. And how about if we’re trying naturally, if we’re not using IVF, what do we do?
Dr. Marc Sklar:
Well, I feel comfortable that if you are in a area that is not infected or not highly populated, not highly infected and everything is under control in your area, then maybe it’s a safe time for you to move forward with trying it. And quite frankly, as we’re all in somewhat cold quarantine and having to keep our distance from everybody, I do expect to see a spike in pregnancies and birth rates because of this. That’s typically what happens in situations like this.
Dr. Marc Sklar:
But we do want to proceed with caution if you’re in a highly effected area like Seattle, Washington or China or wherever, you know, Italy, this is not the time to be trying to have a baby. Right? And so, what could you do during this time versus just take a break and how do you manage your fertility journey during this time? And that’s really what I want to get into right now. So we’ve just covered all the initial information that we know of currently about the actual virus itself. Now, what can you do as an individual and as a couple moving forward to help support your fertility and in this case your immune system moving forward?
Dr. Marc Sklar:
So, I have a couple of points that I want to go over and address here. The first one that I really want to address is, if you’re in a highly populated area that everyone is being infected with the virus and there are concerns or you’re concerned about a period, maybe this is the time to take a step back and to just wait on your trying to conceive journey, right? But it doesn’t mean you have to stop with your whole fertility process.
Dr. Marc Sklar:
I would use the next two to three months to help you prepare. So this is the time where you buckle down, you take care of yourself, you get on the right supplements, you get on the right plan for yourself, clean up your diet, improve your exercise. So this is the time where I would take care of you. This is the time for you to do a lot of self-care, manage your health, reconnect with your partner, make sure you guys are on the same page, revitalize your relationship. Use this for the positive. Let’s not use this to constantly be scared and concerned about everything. Let’s turn this around. Let’s be positive, focus on ourselves and focus on the things that you can do to take care of you and your family and your loved ones so that you can stay healthy and boost your immune system all at the same time.
Dr. Marc Sklar:
So, use this time proactively and take these next two to three months while everything is being figured out and addressed, take this time to take care of you. So, while we’re taking care of you, we do need to take care of our immune system and we do know that 100% that the first and number one thing you can do to make sure that you don’t contract the virus or that you don’t spread it is washing your hands.
Dr. Marc Sklar:
So, here are my tips for how to do that, how to wash your hands. By the way, we do know that if we just did this alone, we would decrease the spread of viruses, including COVID-19 by upwards of 70%. So it’s so simple to do, but most of us, under 30 or 20% of us don’t wash our hands properly. So, what do I mean by that? We’re not taking the time to suds-up our hands, scrub them good, and do it for enough time.
Dr. Marc Sklar:
So, this is how I want you to wash your hands. So as we just talked about, we talked about the importance of washing hands. So my boys here are going to show the proper way to wash your hands. So what do we do first?
Speaker 2:
Turn on the water.
Speaker 3:
Turn on the water.
Dr. Marc Sklar:
Speaker 2:
And then wash your hands in it then turn it off.
Dr. Marc Sklar:
What’s next?
Speaker 3:
Speaker 2:
Get soap.
Speaker 3:
Get soap.
Speaker 2:
And scrub your hands for 20 seconds such as the correct amount of time for the two times of the happy birthday song.
Dr. Marc Sklar:
Okay, so let’s do it.
Speaker 2:
Speaker 3:
Dr. Marc Sklar:
You see what they’re scrubbing their nails between their hands. And that was just one happy birthday song. So now we’re going to do it again. This is how long 20 seconds actually is when we would have to wash our hands, which most of you probably do not do.
Speaker 2:
Speaker 3:
Dr. Marc Sklar:
And then we wash, see, look up with the arm, wash like this. Beautiful. And we are done. And some of you might say, “Well, I don’t have to wash my hands, I use hand sanitizer.” Hand sanitizer is really not ideal. One of the best things about washing your hands is the friction that we create. I’m going to put down my computer. It’s just the friction that we create actually helps to clean off and scrub off the viruses and bacteria and to clean off the dirt. And so you don’t really get that with the antibacterial or Purell thing and the sanitizer. And we also don’t usually scrub for at least 20 seconds. So you do at least if you’re going to use that, then you at least want to scrub for 20 seconds.
Dr. Marc Sklar:
Additionally, for us in the fertility world, there are typically chemicals in hand sanitizers that can be endocrine disruptors, so in a perfect world we don’t want to use them. If we have to, then that is the next best step. Also, in terms of prevention then the other thing that’s important is just social distancing and not shaking hands.
Dr. Marc Sklar:
So, I’ve put together four options for how you can say hello and goodbye to those around you without insulting them and avoiding them, but at least acknowledging them and not touching them directly by shaking their hands. So here are my four ways for you to greet or say goodbye to somebody.
Dr. Marc Sklar:
So in this time of social distancing, we have to be careful of the way we greet one another. So we’ve got four optimal ways to say hi or bye to everybody. So, the first one is going to be the fist bump. Bam. All right, the next one is the elbow bump. Bam. How about the wave? Awesome. And number four is actually our favorite, which is the Namaste.
Dr. Marc Sklar:
All right. So now onto some of my more important tips for how to support yourself, your family, and your health during these trying times. One of the most important things is really managing your stress. So stress levels. We do know that when your stress levels are high and compromised, it does negatively impact your immune system and leaves you more susceptible to catching a virus.
Dr. Marc Sklar:
So, we do want to manage your stress levels and now is the time to do that. Additionally, stress can also negatively impact your hormones, so it will have a twofold effect when we manage our stress levels now. So, now is the time to start to meditate. It doesn’t have to be difficult. Just takes a couple of minutes, maybe two to three minutes to just focus on your breath. And as you become more adept at it, you can allow that to go for a longer time.
Dr. Marc Sklar:
There are wonderful apps as well that you can utilize to support the meditation process. Taking some time to get out into nature is always really good to reset your body and manage stress. It’s one of my favorite things, going for a little walk. And doing things that you love to do and bring you joy. So go ahead and do it. Now’s the time, you’re home, you’re away from people. Start reading, writing, painting, doing things that you love to do that bring you calm and peace of mind. So make sure you go ahead and do that.
Dr. Marc Sklar:
Number two is sleep. I talk about this all the time. Sleep is one of the most essential things you can do for your overall health. Immunity is no different. So this is a huge one on the list and so stress and sleep have to be at the top here. This is a time not to get less sleep, but to get more sleep. So prioritize your sleep, get at least seven to eight hours of sleep a night and feel refreshed. This will do wonders for your health, your energy, and your immune system.
Dr. Marc Sklar:
Number three is exercise. I know that even though we don’t want to be out at the gym right now and we are trying to distance ourselves from people, it doesn’t mean you can’t go out for a nice walk or a little run or do some exercise at home. So definitely add that in. That is excellent for your immune system.
Dr. Marc Sklar:
And number four is your diet. Definitely shouldn’t be fourth on the list, it could be higher, but you can interchange all those in whatever priority you think is best for you. But diet is really important. This is the time to eat nutrient-rich, nutrient-dense foods, eat healthy. I know we’re all worried about food supply and stuff like that. Get the best foods you can at this time.
Dr. Marc Sklar:
Organ meats are excellent sources of nutrients and actually liver has a high amount of vitamin A which is excellent for your immune system and I’ll get into that in just a minute as I get into supplements that you can start to use. So, as we go into supplements or herbs or whatever you want to call them, I’ve written down some key ones that you can start add in. Number one is zinc, zinc lozenges, if I can say that right, are excellent. You want to have them two to three times throughout the day, suck on it slowly. It helps to bring more moisture to your mouth and helps to support your immune system and fight viruses specifically.
Dr. Marc Sklar:
Also some herbs you can start to use if you’re not already using in cooking and maybe making some teas out of are garlic, ginger and turmeric. You can make a nice ginger tea or juice some ginger and drink that or add that into another mixture of juice that you can have throughout the day, which is excellent for your immune system, increasing your citrus vegetables right now because they’re high in vitamin C.
Dr. Marc Sklar:
And then fermented foods are also awesome because they bring a lot of healthy bacteria to support your digestive system and your digestive system is essential and is at the forefront and foundation for a proper immune system. So good fermented foods is also one to incorporate into your diet at this time if you don’t already. Adding in some extra vitamin A, especially if you’re fighting something, would be important.
Dr. Marc Sklar:
If you’re already getting it in some organ meats, then you don’t need to add it in. Additionally, as long as you’re eating the organ meats a couple of times a week, and that by that I mean specifically liver. Cod Liver Oil also is high in vitamin A or you can supplement with it. If you do find that you’re fighting something or catching something, then you could give yourself for a short period of time, higher doses of vitamin A, higher doses for a long period of time can be toxic to the body, so you do need to be careful. I only recommend that for about a week and then you taper back down depending on how you’re going to get it and the source you’re going to get it from.
Dr. Marc Sklar:
Also, a wonderful one for your immune system, it also has profound effects in all sorts of other areas is vitamin D. And I recommend usually five to 6,000, I use a day, and for a short period of time you can even go much higher to support your immune system, especially during these crazy times. Some of my favorite immune-fighting and immune-support supplements come from those lovely bees that produce some wonderful things. So Propolis-spray is excellent and honey, but a specific one that I really liked is called B-powered honey.
Dr. Marc Sklar:
You can lick it right off the spoon and these combined will increase cellular immune response as well as the antimicrobial and antiviral. We’re going to put a link down below in the description to purchase your Propolis and your B-powered honey from a great company that I love and has some great products for all of you. They make ones also for kids if any of you have children that you need to keep healthy as well.
Dr. Marc Sklar:
And right now I think I’ve been talking so much I could use some zinc and some spray as well. Some other things to round this out: Cordyceps, Rhodiola and Astragalus are some great herbs to put in. You can also get them fresh. Cordyceps is a mushroom, Rhodiola is an herbs, Astragalus is also an herb and they’re great for the lungs, are great for the immune system and you can make a tea out of them or just take them in capsules as well.
Dr. Marc Sklar:
There is an excellent Chinese medicine formula of three herbs with Lian Qiao, which is two parts of that, Jin Yin Hua one part, and Huang Qin one part and you make a decoction of that or a tea of that. And then you take one teaspoon, two to three times a day of that.
Dr. Marc Sklar:
And I do have to give credit to that mixture right there to a friend of mine, Chris Kresser. He posted this on his podcast, which is called Revolution Health Radio. He’s a wealth of knowledge and information. And if you haven’t already, you should check out his podcast and that’s where I got that little bit of information right there.
Dr. Marc Sklar:
So hopefully that sets you all off in the right direction as we are all concerned about the COVID-19 virus and doing what we can to support ourselves and the communities that we live in. So, I would love to hear from all of you, comment down below, let me know what you are doing to support yourself during this time. One of the things that I mentioned in this video, are you going to start to do to improve your health and your immune system and to support your fertility? So let me know by commenting below.
Dr. Marc Sklar:
So, if you want to use this time to support your fertility and take advantage of this downtime, so to speak, like I suggested before, then I’m going to encourage you to sign up for discovery call with me and my team so that we can create a plan together so that you can use this time to really improve your fertility. So to do that, just use the link down below to sign up to work with us.
Dr. Marc Sklar:
Remember to click the link below to register for the live training coming up where I’ll be sharing with you my five favorite fertility supplements to get pregnant in 2020.
Speaker 2:
If you liked this video, remember to give it a big thumbs up.
Speaker 3:
And if you haven’t subscribed to my dad’s YouTube channel, hit that bell. And since this virus is going on, and if there’s home little board, then you can watch more of my dad’s videos right there. And if I want us to be in more YouTube videos, leave a comment down below.
Speaker 2:
And if you want us to be in more YouTube videos, leave a comment down below. Thanks. Bye.
H.O.P.E Coaching – Heal naturally to Overcome infertility & get Pregnant by Empowering your body
Who is this for: Any women trying to get pregnant for +6 months
It includes: 60 minutes coaching call with Dr Sklar, The Fertility Expert
During this 1 hour online fertility consultation with Dr Sklar, or his team of natural fertility experts, you will get all the fertility support you need, we will review your case, give you recommendations and create a next steps for a personalized plan to help you get pregnant
The H.O.P.E Coachingis a 60 minutes call where we will go over your fertility case and give you customized recommendations, that work for YOU. Me and my team of fertility doctors are here to help you improve your fertility to get pregnant.
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